
Sea of Tranquility update

The Sea of Tranquility frigate class will follow on from the Arafura class which has just completed production. The SOT is the Terran Sea D though some has cheekily called it the "Luna Sea" class. At a DDS Media Briefing to announce the beginning of construction of the first example it was announced that the sprint speed has been slightly increased following refinements to the hyperspace geometry. TPM load has also been increased slightly following some slight changes to the internal layout.

The biggest surprise however was that the class has been increased from 3 to 5 examples. The first example F161 Sea of Tranquility is expected to enter testing in the Autumn with an expected entry in service before the end of the year.


Fighting Falcon delivered to DDS

The first Dinomark XT-DDS has been delivered to the DDS for completing as the first Fighting Falcon class littoral warfare ship. The ship will receive DDS communication and computer interface systems, weapons and DDS standard internal fittings. The XT-DDS differs from standard Dino XTs in having retractable wing surfaces to improve high altitude performance.

A DDS Research team is also working with the Dinos to see if extra power can be got out of the Solarburst engine. The engine has powered the XT for decades and is regarded as being at the end of it's development life. A hybrid engine known as Super Solarburst which uses technology from the PT's Pulseburst platform is used in the flagship Dinomark but the Dinos have not yet decided if they will use this for new build XTs.

The first Fighting Falcon is expected to enter type proving trials and tests in the Summer with a planned introduction into service by the Fall.

Pangaea receives Ferret support

The first of the DDS amphibious warfare LHDs, L101 Pangaea, is currently being modified ready for the next phase of it's testing and development. Pangaea will receive support for the Ferret-E UCV now in service with the DDS. Pangaea will be able to operate Ferrets operating in a support and reconnaissance role especially guarding the landing pods after they leave the Pangaea and head to the target planet's atmosphere.

Pangaea has no hangar facilities for Ferrets though so the UCVs will be hosted externally. Pangaea will also receive the full C3 suite to allow it to act as a command centre in major operations.

The LHA, due to supplement the LHD from next year, the Tethys Ocean class is also taking shape. It could be the first type to use the improved SUP-X backbone if the SUP-X specification and computer modeling can be completed in time.


Emperor intervenes after Windy causes upheaval in Bolitic Confederacy

Emperor Aliowaki has ordered the Bolitic Confederacy to give Windscorpion a wide berth after the Apogee Of Man, on his mission to find the New Cross, has caused the downfall of a couple of Houses. Barons Reigan and Pendleman were both killed in the battle of Smolask when they tried to destroy Windy.

The House Of Pendleman has been taken over by Sir Melson and is now the House Of Melson though has been badly weakened by battle losses. Reigan's House as yet has no new master because virtually all of it's strength was lost in the battle against the DDS, it is likely the House will be disbanded. Although both were only medium-ranking in the Confederacy the upheaval caused by the scramble to grab lost lands and resources has seen no less than 16 conflicts break out between various Houses. Aliowaki, who it is thought wants to end inter-House conflict so the Bolitic can concentrate their forces for a new war against the Dinos, has ordered all Bolitic to avoid further battles against the DDS and to rein in their inter-House rivalry. Of course the Emperor saying it is one thing, the Bolitic actually obeying is another.


DDS launch upgrades division

With the success of their export business growing the DDS have launched a spacecraft upgrades division, with a surprising first client... the Clones! The DDS are to re-engine 20 of the HCS' older freighters of the Type A3 and A4 classes. The freighters will be fitted with Hitachi HS-740B engines as used on the SUP family of ships like the Provider. The deal is worth 395 million zarks to the DDS and Hitachi.

A DDS spokesman said that obviously the upgrades available to a customer would depend on who they were. "For a client like the HCS there is no harm in supplying commercially available powerplants though of course we would only sell upgrades such as weapon systems to allies." One such contract will be to upgrade the Raegris' fleet of RC-2 to RC-2B standard with Z-cannon and TPM launcher.


Ferret-E cleared for full production

The final development build of the Ferret UCV, the Ferret-X M05B has completed it's intensive trials programme (which included deployment in the Crayfish exercises). R102 Lancer which operated some 20 Ferrets has left the DDS deployment (C125 Positron being made flag for the remaining part of the deployment) to return to Solaris for crew rotation and resupply.

Production has now begun of the first block of production Ferret-Es, which are very similar to M05B. The 27 M05Bs already built will be converted to E standard and added to the fleet. Lancer and the other carrier Missileer will each deploy 40 Ferret-Es with numbers rising to 80 each by next year. The Ferrets are being built at a large new facility on Starbot, initial production rate has been set at 8 a day with the aim of increasing to 12 by the end of the year. The DDS have 1200 on order, the Dinos 650 and Starbot 200.

The first operational deployment of Ferret-E aboard a Missileer is expected in the Summer. The Dinos have taken the lead in the next stage of the Ferret development, the Ferret-G which has the ability to fight in atmospheres too. This is expected by 2110.


Rome gets new role

The key feature of the Rome corvette was the mission pod, an easily changeable mission specific module to easily allow the Rome to fill a number of different roles. Up until now though the only mission modules available have been the default general space duties module and a ground attack module.

Now a new module has been added to the portfolio. The tactical reconnaissance module includes a number of powerful electro-optical and electronic reconnaissance systems including a sophisticated synthetic aperture radar and directional acoustic sensors. It is said the latter can listen in on a conversation made by 2 people on the ground from orbit. Three of these modules have been ordered and the first has now entered service being tested on a ship (which has been unnamed indicating it is on an actual mission with the module!)

Allies to attend security conference this weekend

Representatives from several allied powers will attend a security conference at DDS GHQ to discuss various items of interest including the new 7 Sa Sao threat and the post-Utrek War geo-political landscape. Consul M-B-H is representing the Dino Republic and will chair a discussion forum on how to handle the Bolitic Confederacy. Windy address the forum via videolink beforehand (though his talk will not be live due to subspace lag).

Delegates will also attend from Starbot, the Remedians, New Arit, Sirikwan and Molab.

First Feeder delivered

The first Feeder class shuttle, A501 Oscar, has been delivered from General Spacecraft. The Feeder is based on their commercial Comet 450 design but militarised with standard DDS communication equipment, 2 laser cannons, datalinking ability (to allow it to carry pylon mounted TPMs though it would rely on other ships for targeting), and internal security measures.

The Feeder is larger than the Coril and can travel at 500c. The DDS have 8 on order but may order more if the type is successful. The Feeder is intended for longer range shuttle missions including the "taxi" services for VIPs which recently have been using Starsystems (much to the DDS Training Corps annoyance).

The first Coril-B shuttle will also be delivered later this year. The DDS are hoping to withdraw their remaining 11 Corils by the end of next year. A few may be given to the Aritans.


Dino fleet roundup (23/04/08)

The Dinos small fleet of 4 Dinomark RS warships are to receive an update this Summer. The 2 older ships will be bought up to the same standard as the latter 2 and all ships will be fitted with w-drive, the W1R. There will also be some weapon and sensor updates. The Dinos have started to use the RS more in fleet operations and aim to use them as command ships for major operations and deployments.

The next version of the Dinomark PT, the PT/3, is being prepared. It will have new "traditional" engines boosting speeds above 920c and W1A w-drive giving a calibrated equivalent speed of 4873c. The PT/3 was due to start production already but has been delayed for a few months to allow extra development to take advantage of lessons learned during the Utrek War. The internal layout will be modified to better facilitate combat situations and increase missile load.

The Dino flagship, Dinomark, will receive w-drive when it receives a refit next month. The status of Dinomark is in question as flagship however as Consul M-B-H prefers to use a PT as his flagship so it is likely the ship will revert to being the personal ship of Ronald when he steps down from Consul rank at the end of the year.

The Dinos have decided not to build their own engines for the Provider-EDA transport ships production of which will begin next year firstly by the Raegris and later by the Dinos themselves. They instead will use the existing DDS powerplant as the extra costs of integrating a Dino engine were thought to be a waste.


Hoods launch attack on DDS dormitory

Dormitories at DDS GHQ are a place of male fear, sweat, sexual inadequacy, shame, self-abuse... and now ultra violence. A group of Hoods, in their first attack since the security crackdown by the Windy Massive, attacked a dormitory on Floor 3, K Block and badly beat 17 young men. All of whom required urgent medical treatment, 6 are in a serious condition.

Commander Firefly condemned the attack calling the Hoods a relic of history and pledged that the WM would penetrate and destroy the Hoods soon. The WM have stepped up patrols again, it is thought they had relaxed their vigilance following over a month of silence from the white sheeted ones.


Fleet news (21/04/08)

The Neptune IIB update, which was planned for this year and to test next generation Gluon II engine technology, has been canceled following the cutbacks to traditional engine development by DDS Research. Gluon II has been canceled in lieu of w-drive though existing Gluon engines (which use Gluon I architecture) will continue to be developed. Neptune is due to leave service in 2115 though it is likely it will reach the end of it's life earlier than that because of the hammering the ship usually receives.

The Rome fleet has been cleared to operate at 620c following successful tests. The modest cruise speed boost is facilitated by changes to the engine management software to allow a greater output. It was found the ship's structure and engines could take the higher stress without any noticeable ill-effects. The software updates are being rolled out to the fleet over the next week.

C124 Deuteron has completed it's ILU and has returned to service, C129 Charm Quark has left service for it's own update. Deuteron is the first DDS warship to have the Passive Sensor Suite (PSS) built into it's hull. Deuteron also includes the latest upgrade to the attack system known as SAS-Q2.

X111 Isometric has left service for a refit and minor update. The refit will only take 3 weeks but will include a number of minor updates to systems including the installation of the combat suite 5036-A.

2 more Pentekonter-Ms ordered

Two more Pentekonters are to be converted to the minesweeping variant later this year. P110 Orpheus and P118 Aeschylus will receive the modifications. The DDS have planned to do this for a few months but currently have a shortage of available patrol assets due to heavy commitments with the Crayfish and Knight exercises.

However the minesweeping flotilla is also under strain with 4 of the 6 ships now on exercises and of the 2 remaining 1 is receiving a refit meaning there is only 1 minesweeper available should there be an emergency. The release of patrol assets from current commitments and a change in the patrol cycle due later this year will relieve pressure on the patrol pool and allow 2 Pentekonters to be spared.

Both of the Pentekonter classes will be renumbered later this year to remove the gaps introduced into the number sequences because of reassignments and battle losses.

10 years of the Z-Cannon

The Z-Cannon celebrates 10 years of service this year so to celebrate we are looking back at the history and future of this key weapon in the DDS arsenal. Development began of the weapon in 2095 as it was realised the new (at the time) Pulsar cruiser would need greater firepower if it was to meet future threats. The Z-Cannon was devised as a much higher output energy cannon using frequencies much higher than existing beam weapons.

Early Development

The Tarbot War of 2097 was a great boost to Z-Cannon development. Analysis of Tarbotian weapon technology especially on a captured Kenora assisted the DDS greatly in developing lenses and power management systems to allow the Z-Cannon to operate. By 2098 the first pre-production Z-Cannon was ready for deployment and was fitted to the flagship Pulsar. Then, before testing could begin, the HCS launched a surprise attack on the DDS. The Z-Cannon was therefore tested in real combat and immediately proved it's power tearing the HCS to shreds. In one memorable encounter the Z-Cannon beam blasted through one HCS ship and destroyed another one behind it.

The Z-Cannon became a key part of the Pulsar ILU at the end of the decade and by 2100 the DDS had a number of Z-Cannons in service. However the chaos of 2099-2100 saw the DDS cease most operations and the Z-Cannon development stagnated. The HCS began to develop improved shield techniques and tactics to negate the Z-Cannon's power.

The Second Generation

As the DDS began to regroup in late 2100 following the return of Windscorpion and the end of the Third Clone War work urgently began on an improved Z-Cannon known as Z2. It was intended to form part of the Pulsar MULE and the new Quasar class cruiser but before development was completed the DDS was hurled into the 1st Utrek War. The DDS worked like crazy to complete the Z2 and the Quasar and managed to get it into service just in time to help turn the tide against the Utrek. The Quasar + Z2 was an incredibly potent combination and helped the Z-Cannon regain it's edge.

Z5 : The Definitive Z-Cannon

Development continued of the Z-Cannon of course and in 2103 the DDS released the Z5 with greater power and reliability. It has become standard issue on all DDS warships with a cut-down version called Z5m fitted to small ships. The DDS have also developed a ground attack version known as Z5g and are now working on a version that is equally effective on ground and space targets (Z5i). Improved fire control and crystal regeneration techniques allow the Z-Cannon to fire more frequently than before allowing for the development of a turreted version (Z5t). It is now unthinkable for any DDS warship to not have a Z-Cannon however it is no longer the key weapon in the DDS arsenal.

The transphasic missile (TPM) has replaced Z-Cannon as the principal weapon in the DDS though Z-Cannon remains highly important. However it is not the end of the story yet.

The Future : Zip

The DDS are currently working on the next generation of weapon merging the lethality of transphasic weapons with the fire volume and reliability of Z-Cannon. This is known as Z-Cannon InterPhase (Zip) though when it enters service it may just be known as Z6. The Zip will use interphasic technologies in the same way as TPMs to pass through shields and then re-phase inside the target.

The DDS are aiming to get Zip into service by the end of the decade. The Z-Cannon is celebrating 10 years of service but the story has only just begun.


DDS encounter strange ship, perhaps 7 Sa Sao

Pentekonter patrol vessel P103 Pericles, under the command of Captain Quarz, has encountered a strange vessel. They were investigating an explosion thought to be an Aritan freighter exploding when they discovered a ship that did not show up on any tactical update. Subsequent analysis indicates the ship may be of the 7 Sa Sao as it was similar to the 7 Sa Sao ship encountered already near Aldebra.

Pericles attempted to communicate with the ship though there was no reply. Quarz reports however that he was taken prisoner by an unknown entity and painfully probed. CCTV of the bridge shows that he never left the bridge however. The unknown ship cloaked and contact was lost with it.


HCS Round-up (19/04/08)

The 2nd Shark frigate has entered service with the HCS Space Navy. There have been a number of changes made, mainly to software, following early experience with the 1st Shark. Further improvements are expected with Shark #3 and 4 due next month. Full serial production is due to begin in July of a definitive standard model.

An era ended for the HCS when the last 4 Kalahati Tuul Bs were withdrawn from service (though they have been on the reserve list for the last few months). These were the last survivors of what was once a huge class of ships that formed the backbone of the early HCS Space Navy. 6 Kalahati Tuul 2s have also been withdrawn due to age (the ships were over 10 years old) and concerns over safety. It now looks likely the entire KT2 fleet will be withdrawn before the end of the decade. The Remedian Police, who still use KT2s, have enquired about buying a couple of the withdrawn KT2s for spares. The 36 rebuilt Kalahati Tuul S are expected to survive until around 2114 though withdrawals will begin at the start of the 2110s.

The HCSAF has taken delivery of it's first batch of the latest block of the F-45, the F-45A4, which has a number of improvements to it's radar and ECM pack. This is expected to be the last block before production ends in preparation of the next generation F-45C/K in the next decade.

The HCSAF will withdraw around 200 of it's oldest A-84 bombers though will not order new examples to replace them. The HCSAF are conducting a re-organisation of aerial assets and because of new stand-off weapons and expected UCAVs need less A-84s (though production continues at a slow rate for now at least).

The Gale IRBM improvement has switched to Gale IIB Rev 2 which includes a number of refinements to warhead security and penaids.


Operation Knight

This new joint DDS, Dino and Remedian operation will be carried around in Remedian space over the next month. The joint DDS and Dino fleet will carry out training missions near Mila before then traveling to Loeuss for ground force and space force training, 3 Romes with the ground attack pod will be taking part in the operation. The Dinos will use their forces already on Loeuss for the training though the Remedians have sent their 4th Army to the planet to take part.

The DDS fleet will consist of :

C101 Central America (flag)
D151 Velocity
F110 Miocene
F116 Cryptozoic (minesweeping controller)
K102 Caesar
K108 Tiberius
K112 Seneca
M108 Hesiod
M113 Nicias
A106 Dakota
A109 Flying Boxcar
A113 Commando
A144 Jetstar

The Dinos are sending a fleet of 20 Dinomarks though have not specified the types but it is thought to be a 50-50 split of PTs and XTs.

DDS agree sale of Solaris and upgrades to New Arit

The DDS have decided to sell their last remaining Solaris II class frigate which has been part of the training fleet. T121 Solaris II has been little used since mid-2107 as the Starsystem fleet has been easily sufficient for training tasks and has spent most of the time laid up at Rathun's World. The DDS did intend to keep it until 2120 following a refurbishment around 2112. However now Solaris is included in a 210 million zark deal with the Aritans (the deal has been co-funded by the UNP and Artic, with whom the Aritans have a defence agreement, in roughly a three way split between the 3 parties).

The deal also includes updates for the Aritans' 8 Intrepid IIs. The Intrepids will have their sensors refitted with cascaded equipment from Isometrics after they receive their ILU next year. The Intrepids will be made TPM-2 compatible though no missiles will be supplied yet, its thought the Aritans will build a factory for TPM-2 production for both the DDS and themselves (the DDS are to have at least 5 factories making TPM-2 learning from their mistakes - the Utrek destroyed 80+% of TPM production capacity in 1 attack). The fleet of now 5 Solaris IIs will also receive updates of various systems though not tactical, T121 itself will receive localisation updates. The deal also includes funding for decommissioning the last Yeoman class frigate which will be withdrawn when Solaris II is transferred and operational.

The deal is expected to be signed next month and T121 Solaris II could be transferred in the Summer bringing to an end over 10 years of Solaris operation with the DDS. One problem that is looming on the horizon for the Aritans is that both the Intrepid and Solaris fleets are aging and will require an extensive refurbishment early in the next decade in order to keep them operational. This refurbishment is estimated to cost over 300 million zarks.

First Isometric-E takes shape

The first export frigate based on the Isometric platform has commenced construction on the new jig operated by the Raegris. This jig is also being used to produce the DF-1 He'Taka frigates for the Raegris Defence Fleet. The first Isometric-E is being produced for Molab of course (they are the only customer for the type in any case).

Molab have selected a mid-range specification for their 2 Isometrics, known as Isometric-EMM. The ships will be TPM compatible though will not operate the missiles, yet anyway. Their sensor fit is roughly equal to the Isometric fit though an earlier revision. The Molabites have specified greater crew space and supplies storage in lieu of weaponry and science equipment as Molab intends the ships to perform long range patrols and missions. A comprehensive communications suite has also been fitted as the ships will also be acting as command ships for Molab's planned fleet of at least 5 Pentekonter-Es.

Although Molab is the only customer at present Sirikwan is also considering the type. Helinox, another Pentekonter customer is also looking into Isometric.

Operation Crayfish update

Operation Crayfish, a large exercise, has now entered phase 2 of the training mission following battle simulations near New Jakarta. Frigate F131 Caspian Sea was forced to return to Proxima 7 early because of a main coolant failure but the rest of the fleet (see fleet listing here) performed the various exercises well. TPM-2 development missions were tested by X111 Isometric and Ferret-E UCVs were tested from R102 Lancer. Isometric has returned to Solaris as the TPM-2 testing has been completed.

Phase 2 of the operation is more battle simulations with the Aritan fleet. Two Solaris and 3 Intrepid from the New Arit fleet have joined the DDS. For the next few weeks a serious of exercises, training routines and crew familiarization and liaison will be carried out by the combined fleet around New Arit.


Windy defeats Boltic forces

SS Carboniferous has been involved in a major battle against ships from 2 Bolitic Baronys. Six ships from the Houses of Pendleman and Reigan attacked Task Force Windy while at Smolask for repair. Luckily this time Windscorpion had prior warning of their attack so was able to get the oiler accompanying Carboniferous into a safe position cloaked.

The odds were still high though comprising no less than 6 Snarl class battlecruisers in the Bolitic force. Windy used all of the Isometric frigate's advantages including taking the ship into Smolask's atmosphere however the odds were still too high and Carboniferous lost power and shields. The Apogee Of Man was saved by the timely arrival of SS Neptune, dispatched some weeks ago as reinforcements, which broke the back of the Bolitic force destroying the ship carrying Baron Pendleman (Baron Reigan having already being killed). The surviving 2 Bolitic ships retreated.

SS Carboniferous' damage is not serious and the Task Force has already left Smolask.

UV128 : Rough Trade

  • Under Rehearsed + Shit - Two Bolitic houses combine to attack Windy...
  • And The Next Consul Is? - Cruggson engineers a glory making opportunity...
  • Missileer : The True Elite - Unknown forces try to trick the DDS and HCS into war...
  • Krusty Old Sea Dino - Krusty has to pretend to be a terrorist...
  • Balls On The Table - Windy crushes the might of Pendleman and Reigan...
Stay tuned for the next book UV129 Performing Under Pressure


Utrek withdraw forces from border

The Utrek Federation has withdrawn it's 3rd Army and it's 7th Fleet from space bordering DDS and HCS space (outside of the DMZ of course). The forces are being redeployed to other parts of the huge Utrek territory though thought not to be sent to fight the Mantae whom the Utrek are known to be currently fighting. Instead the forces are replacing other forces which themselves are being sent to face the Mantae.

This still leaves the Utrek 6th Army and 5th Fleet in the vicinity though those are both smaller forces. It strongly indicates that the Utrek have ruled out any further military operations against the DDS and it's allies at least in the short to medium term. The DDS and Dinos have said they will not reduce their force levels at least for the moment.


HCS Round-up (10/04/08)

The first new major surface combatant of the HCS Navy, the destroyer D01 Olana, has entered what is said to be "operational trials status". Basically this means trials of the new ship are continuing but it is considered to be ready for operational use should the need arise. This is important as the only other major surface combatant the frigate F01 Ailier is currently receiving an update. D01 Olana has thus been named flagship of the HCS Navy - Ailier Fleet.

The Tapir has switched production to TRV-5G5 which has a number of production improvements to aid maintenance. It also has a totally new and improved smokescreen and decoy launching system.

Production of the new assault rifle has switched to AR-105A standard which includes a number of production refinements including addressing an issue arising with cleaning the rifle.

The HCSAF have received 320 million zarks to boost missile stocks after it was revealed that some air regiments are literally running out of missiles.

DDS offer talks with 7 Sa Sao over Aldebra

General Sea Urchin has made contact with the 7 Sa Sao over the disputed UNP colony on Aldebra which the 7 Sa Sao claim for themselves. He offered talks with the shadowy faction over the future of the planet. However the 7 Sa Sao have not replied to his message yet.

A ship, thought to be of the 7 Sa Sao, has been seen near Aldebra though as yet they have not taken any action against the colonists who have been ordered to leave or "face the consequences". Starbotian ship I-12 has arrived at the planet and a DDS ship carrying Sea Urchin is on the way.


Fleet news (08/04/08)

F132 Black Sea will be the first of the 4 Caspian Sea frigates to be updated to Barents Sea standard (the 4 surviving Terran Sea As will be converted to Terran Sea B). The conversion has begun a month early as Black Sea was damaged in an ion storm near Sigma Alpha a few weeks ago and it was decided instead of just repairing the ship it made more economic sense to carry out the upgrade at the same time. The conversion will take around a month.

Arafura Sea class frigate F152 Aral Sea II has entered service, the last Terran Sea C frigate to be built. Construction will begin of the first Terran Sea D frigate, F160 Sea Of Tranquility, in the Summer with an intended debut before the end of the year.

The first of the DDS' landing ships L111 Pangaea has completed Phase 1 of it's intensive proving trials. Phase 2 will begin next month following some modifications to the Pangaea following feedback on the trials. Some issues have arisen with respect to the internal layout of docking bays and communication systems though a DDS spokesman said there were "no showstoppers". Pangaea is expected to enter service Q3.

A151 Gasoline has become the latest Extender oiler to enter service. The DDS are considering a sub-type of reprocessing Extenders which would carry out the reprocessing of spent fuel. This is currently done at an orbital facility around Solaris but this is due for replacement and the DDS are considering it a more economic and flexible idea to put the reprocessing role on Extenders which would also have auxiliary refuelling and transport roles.


ANALysis : Latest developments in the Tarbotian Empire

The mighty Tarbotian Empire has been quiet for some time since the last skirmishes a few years ago but DDS, Dino and Starbotian intelligence has continued to observe them and conclude that there are some interesting changes taking place in the empire to equipment, doctrine and tactics. Changes that have been sped up after the Tarbotians observed themselves how a similar monolithic empire, the Utrek, were defeated by a numerically much smaller but much more nimble and technically advanced and adventurous enemy.

Traditionally the Tarbotians have fielded a fleet consisting of 3 tiers of ship : (I) a small escort and patrol ship, (II) a medium-sized fleet cruiser and (III) a large heavy cruiser. In the war between the Tarbotians and the DDS/Dinos/Remedians/Starbotians in the late 2090s (which the Tarbotians lost of course) these 3 tiers consisted of (I) Samaras, (II) Vormix and late-model Hyper Ships and (III) Kenora Type F&G.

Now however the Tier II cruiser type is being withdrawn and the Tarbotians are concentrating on building large numbers of improved Samara destroyers (Samara V+ and a possible Samara VI) and a core fleet of heavy cruisers, the current type being the Kenora H+ with a Kenora J also now ready for production.

These changes are due to changes in Tarbot doctrine away from the traditional imperial model of large mixed-type fleets to a more fluid model called the Destroyer Net Model by Starbotian analysts. This more dynamic model consists of groups of 5-10 Samara destroyers operating in conjunction with groups of 3 Kenoras. The groups (or "nets") of Samaras harrying and disrupting an enemy force until it can be "hooked" by the Kenoras and destroyed using the heavy weapons on the formidable cruiser.

This new doctrine is said to have been influenced by DDS and Dino space warfare innovations of the mid-2100s which have seen a more more fluid and info-rich method of fighting and a definate move away from large set-piece battles. The success of these tactics against the monolithic Utrek further spurred the Tarbotians, it is known Tarbotian intelligence ships (along with others from powers like the HCS and Bolitic) were regularly encountered by DDS and Dino patrols and "encouraged to stop being so nosy".

The DDS and Dino tactics do depend on superior firepower however in the shape of TPM and the Tarbotians lack such a potent weapon though it is known they have greatly improved the firepower on the latest Kenora and Samara models and have developed a new range of particle weapons said to much superior to earlier types though still without the incredible one-shot-kill potential of transphasic technologies.

It will be interesting to see how the Tarbotians continue to develop their new doctrine and how it fares when finally put to the "test", though the DDS hope they are not the object of the test for some time at least!


DDS to field Passive Sensor Virtual Array

The DDS are to begin fielding this Summer, on selected ships, a next generation passive sensor system developed by DDS Research known as PSVA (Passive Sensor Virtual Array). In this ships work in conjunction to pool their passive sensor data which is integrated and processed using shared computing resources to produce a clearer view of the tactical situation.

Basically what it means is if warship A can detect one item of information and warship B can detect another item PSVA brings these 2 items together to produce a clearer unified view. Ships will operate in PSVA Nets communicating with a classified technology, thought to be using background subspace radiation, to avoid detection and all share the same tactical view from the pooled data. PSVA Phase 2 will also integrate active sensor information from ships further out and ground station passive sensors and will be rolled in should field trials prove successful next year.


Starbotians to pay for 2 more Panthers

In a move said to have been planned for some time but the media are linking to the emergence of the 7 Sa Sao the Starbotians are funding an extra 2 Panther destroyers which will be crewed by Starbotians and based at Starbot. The 2 ships would bolster the defence of Starbot but also be available as general DDS assets too.

Two Panthers from FY2109's planned procurements will be delivered to the Starbotians who will add extra equipment to integrate the ships into their own communication network and also update the user interfaces to comply with Starbot standards (though will be easily switchable to DDS at the flick of a switch).