
Confrontation with 7 Sa Sao over Aldebra

The DDS may becoming embroiled with a row with the shadowy 7 Sa Sao, a faction over which hardly anything is known. The row is over the planet of Aldebra, outside the UNP and beyond Starbot. The planet was unclaimed though had a climate suitable for colonisation. Recently some colonists from Terra, Proxima 5 and New Arit have set up a colony on the planet. Their hope is to form a new planetary colony and join the UNP at some stage.

However the 7 Sa Sao have recently sent a message to the colonists saying that the planet is claimed by them and they were preparing their own colony. The message from what was said to be the Office of the President of the Sa Sao Argon States said that the colonists should pack up and leave else face "consequences". The Starbotians have despatched a ship on the DDS' behalf and Admiral Sea Urchin is preparing to go to Aldebra to hopefully meet with the Sa Sao.


Changes at the top of the DDS

Firefly has completed his rehabiliation from serious injuries sustained against the Zones last year and moved to head the 1st Fleet. He was DDS City Commander in charge of GHQ (and acting DDS Commander in Windscorpion's absense) however he has sought a return to a more active role saying he wanted to feel artificial gravity again.

Action Painting has been reappointed City Commander. He held this role up until his part in the rise of Lord Rotarios and after the fall of the evil regime has been serving a role as Head of Security on Solaris. Windy has concluded that AP's probation has been adequate and can resume his old position. However Windy says if AP again irks away from true Windyism then AP will be assuming a new "position" in front of the apogee of man...

Gibson becomes new Dino-DDS Liaison Officer following scandal

Former Deputy SS Commander Gibson, who was brutalised over a sustained period by the Utrek has taken up the role of Dino-DDS Liaison Officer after Fuzzy returned to Dino-Land. Gibson volunteered for the vacant post and was accepted by Consul Ronald immediately as it was unlikely anyone else would take on the role except at gunpoint.

Its thought that Gibson has become involved in a sex scandal that prompted his need to leave Dino-Land. A DinoTube video of him having brutal gay sex with an unidentified SS stormtrooper has become the latest internet phenonemon on Dino-Land with DinoTube's servers melting down under the demand of people wanting to see a buff SS soldier sticking various objects up Gibson's bottom.


Velocity-N details

The DDS have announced details of the (to be) Raegris built third batch of Velocity destroyers to be known as "Velocity-N" for now, though a new name will be assigned for them later. The V-N will have the latest evolution of the Tachyon series engine (RL-08J) which will boost cruise speed to 920c. The V-N will be also able to maintain this speed for longer periods making it overall much faster than previous Velocities in real terms.

The V-N will have a TPM-2 launcher and thus, as TPM-2 is smaller than TPM-1, the missile load will be increased to 42. The DDS are still considering giving the V-N a fuselage plug that would further increase missile load.

Peace through superior firepower becomes DDS 3.0 motto

First there was "Death & Dishonour", then in the New DDS era of Rotarios we had "Sanctimonia of voluntas (Purity of purpose)" but now as Windy ponders the direction of the third epoch of the DDS comes a new motto "Peace through superior firepower".

Currently Windy is at Smolask waiting for the repairs to SS Carboniferous to be concluded but he says he has given a lot of thought to his new vision of the DDS, called DDS 3.0. When he returns from his mission to find the New Cross he says he will properly institute the new direction for the DDS, a new era of self-development, improvement and joy!


DDS to offer export Velocity; New jig

The 3rd (and final) Velocity S has been canceled, which means that when D155 Improvement is completed later this summer it will be the last Velocity class destroyer built by the DDS... because future Velocities will be built by the Raegris. The Velocity-E will be the latest addition to the DDS Exports portfolio, though the first 5 will be for the DDS.

The small production jig for Velocity will be replaced by a larger jig operated by the Raegris, it will be able to build a Velocity in 5 months instead of the 11-12 months it currently takes. The Velocity-E for the DDS will have an improved specification to the S but that has not been finalised yet. The first Velocity-E (likely to have a different name in DDS service) is expected by the end of the year. It is not known if the Raegris will also buy the type.

DDS look to future threats

With the Utrek seemingly out of the picture for some years now following their heavy defeat and reports of a new war for them against the Mantae the DDS are looking to future threats. One major new name on the radar is the 7 Sa Sao. A little known faction but who are now in range because of recent propulsion advances. A new intelligence office is being opened on Starbot (the DDS planet closest to the 7 Sa Sao) to investigate them.

The Rectoids are said to be finally reorganising after their catastrophic defeat to the DDS a few years ago but are a long way from being a military threat again. A new civilian authority has taken over from the military government and the DDS are considering sending peace overtures to them.

The Bolitic Confederacy are a current threat and have been battling Windscorpion on his search for the New Cross. Analysis of Bolitic technology shows them to be inferior to the DDS generally though they are more advanced in infowarfare. The DDS are greatly improving network security and communications protocols to negate this advantage. The DDS will also be working with the Dinos to formulate an improved strategy against the Bolitic.

Finally the Tarbot Empire is a massive and powerful empire but the DDS does not consider them a realistic threat in the short to medium term. Intelligence reports that the Tarbotians are concentrating on other areas.


Operation Crayfish

The DDS are to conduct a large exercise over the next few weeks with the largest assembled fleet since the end of the Utrek War under the command of The Orchid. The fleet will conduct a number of exercises near Oscar and New Jakarta (the location of the exercises being no accident) before then travelling to New Arit to hold joint exercises with the Aritan fleet.

The DDS fleet will consist of :

R102 Lancer (flag)
C125 Positron
C127 Graviton
D101 Panther
F109 Oligocene (Pave Yellow equipped for MCM control)
F131 Caspian Sea
F138 Java Sea
F142 Arabian Sea
F151 North Sea II
K101 Cicero
M106 Sappho
M111 Pindar
X111 Isometric
A102 Skytrain
A143 Liftmaster
A149 Octane
E102 Morse

The fleet is currently assembling at Proxima 5 and will set out next week. Isometric will be testing TPM-2. Ferret-E will also be tested at some stage.

First Extender-E delivered, more orders

The first export Extender oiler (Extender-E) has arrived at Molab and has entered service. A second Extender-E for Molab is currently being completed. The planet is one of the DDS' best export customers with the first of 2 Isometric-Es to be completed by the end of the year and Pentekonter-Es next year.

Meanwhile Helinox has ordered 2 Pentekonter-Es and 2 Extender-Es for delivery from 2110. The DDS Export order book is now pretty full well into the next decade though more orders for Isometric-E are desired. Export versions of the Rome and Pentekonter-M are being considered. A hospital ship is also being considered for the DDS portfolio.


Pulsar to receive final major update

The DDS have given clearance for a final major update to the Pulsar cruiser fleet before withdrawals begin in 2111. This update, the MULE3 update replaces the already planned P2108UA though the elements of that update will be rolled in to it. The MULE3 update will include :
  • Refurbishing bridge to replace legacy consoles with standard wireless consoles with the latest software and user interface updates. As Pulsar is not a wireless ship the bridge will also have 2 multiplexers to integrate the wireless control into the legacy fibre optic control.
  • Engine re-cored to ESRDA RBG-4502V (this was planned for last year but delayed as the existing T cores still had plenty of life in them). Dash speed boosted to 880c, cruise speed unchanged.
  • Z5a cannon replaced with Z5g. This was intended to be Z5i but the new cannon is not available in numbers in time. This does mean the Pulsar's anti-ship combat ability is reduced as the Z5g is a ground attack weapon primarily. The attack system will also be updated to SAS2C.
  • Blast Fragmentation Containment (BFC) force fields fitted. This new method of reducing blast shrapnel damage will be tested on the Pulsar.
  • FIDO fitted to allow distributed operation.
  • Compatibility with TPM-2 but it will not receive TPM-2 capable missile launchers.
  • Various other system and communications updates.
MULE3 will begin in May. The update will be fairly cheap as much of the equipment like the Z5gs is re-used and the engines needed recoring anyway. This will be the last major update to the Pulsar with just bug fixes and tweaks in 2109 and beyond.


Caution urged over HCS build up

Senior voices at the DDS have voiced concern that the DDS is sleepwalking to "destruction" citing the huge fleet the HCS are building up and recent cancellations of new DDS warships. General Vincent is reported to have said "If the Clones get it together and pool their resources again instead of competing against each other then we could be facing a huge fleet and a huge threat!"

The HCS have currently 106 Cosmos class cruisers Sea Urchin noted, saying that an updated Cosmos was a powerful ship. The Soulaki also are the equal of many DDS types. "I wonder if we have assumed an aura of invincibility because we defeated the Utrek. Forgetting what a damn close run thing it was. We assume the transphasic missile will always equalise the numbers. It is potentially suicide to base our suicide on such beliefs."

Firefly however told reporters that the DDS can make do with a smaller fleet as the UNP worlds are much closer together. UCAV technologies would also be a massive force multiplier. "We do not have infinite resources, the Clones themselves are struggling to maintain the HCS in all areas." He pointed out the budgetary battles raging over the new HCS Navy and the painful cuts being faced by other services.

Finally Doombringer, an ex-HCS officer, said the Clones were not interested in the DDS for now. "I believe the primary focus even of a unified command would be to maintain the security of the Clone Star Empire, not risk all on foreign adventures."

DDS hope TPM-2 to enter service this year

Following successful trials with the latest milestone of the next generation TPM-2 missile the DDS are hopeful it can enter service before the end of the year. Although Milestone 3 did have a few issues, especially with the power unit coolant control the DDS are confident these problems are now ironed out. In the early summer TPM-2 Release Candidate A will be issued to test units. This will be a "98%" version of the final missile and allow for final testing and evaluation.

For RCA the DDS want to improve the datalinking and electronic countermeasures built into the missile to allow it ti receive updated targeting information and counter enemy defences easier. If RCA is successful then it will be cleared to enter service. A growing number of ships are now TPM-2 compatible though modified missile launchers are still rare. The DDS expect it to take 2-3 years to fully change the DDS over to the new missile.


HCS Round-up (07/03/08)

HCS Space Navy (HCSSN)

The 1st Shark frigate has entered service with the HCS Space Navy following shorter than expected proving tests. It is rumoured the Shark was put into service early because of a shortage of patrol assets. The Kalahati Tuul fleet has crumbled faster than hoped and that, added to Shark delays, means the HCSSN now is short of patrol assets and has transferred ships from combat fleets to fill the gaps.

The 20 oldest Cosmos cruisers are due to enter a MLU and work has begun on the first 4. The HCSSN did want to delay this (as the ships are in the patrol pool) but the ships were considered not able to perform any more patrols without refurbishment. The MLU takes the ships up to SR standard and also gives them 10 more years of life.

The Nybble UCAV has been delayed to 2110 because of budgetary reasons. This is the HCS counterpart to the DDS/Dino Ferret.

HCS Army (HCS)

The last 35 T-88+ MBTs in the HCS have been withdrawn following a ceremony on Austini 55. The HCS is standardising on the T-89/T-55 mix for it's tank fleet and older / less standard types are quickly being withdrawn. The T-88++ is now next in the HCS sights but as there are still over 3000 in service they will probably be around for awhile.

HCS Air Force (HCSAF)

The AH-50M programme has begun, it is a mix of rebuilt older ships and new build. The anti-tank helicopter will be greatly improved with a number of airframe changes to reduce RCS and improve aerodynamic efficiency. Sensors have also been upgraded with improved datalinking. The rotors will also be replaced with a more efficient new type.

The Next Generation Combat Aircraft (NGCA) will be the big fighter programme of the 2120s onwards, it is likely now an advanced development of the F-45 will be used. At the moment though development of the second-generation F-45C/K continues apace with the first flight planned for next year.


A new submarine launched cruise missile is to be developed for the next generation of SSKs and SSNs being built for the HCSN in the next decade. SS-NS-X will replace the SS-NS-3 which is a legacy missile from the old Navy. The SS-NS-3 will be used on SS Tinfish following it's update next year and the new Seawolf SSKs due in 2111. An updated version is being developed, SS-NS-3A, to allow mid-course updates and improve the range as a stop-gap.

The go-ahead has been given for the HCSN to develop a fleet of SSBNs and SLBMs by the end of the next decade. The huge 15 billion zark programme is intended to give the HCS the ability to strike back against an invader even if their ground bases have been destroyed. The vast price tag has raised some eyebrows.


Fleet news (07/03/08)

The second Panther destroyer has entered service, D102 Jaguar contains a number of minor changes from Panther and the first ship will receive modifications to bring it up to the same standard in April. From D105 onwards there will be further changes to the ships with a number of improved systems though the DDS have not yet detailed what these improvements are.

Two Romes have also joined the fleet, K114 Marius and K115 Vespasian. These are fitted with 5036-A2 combat suite which has a number of improvements with the data filtering and user interest. The improvements are all software so it is hoped other 5036-A equipped ships will receive the update after evaluation in these 2 new Romes.

The first 2 Friendship utility transports have been delivered A201 and A202 (the DDS are not going to name these ships). The DDS will begin training and orientation before they take over the UNP contract next year.

The DDS are to disband the 4 ship Caspian Sea class and update the frigates to the same standard as the Barents Sea class (including the better engine). The 4 ships will then be merged into the Barents class. The DDS said they had enough spare engines to perform the update and the benefits of improved performance and fleet standardisation would outweigh the cost of the updates.

The SUP (Standard Utility Platform) has been a great success, forming the backbone of the ships that form the DDS' major transport, oiler, amphibious warfare and now carrier types. The SUP literally is a backbone for a ship consisting of the engines, major equipment and basic control system. The rest of the ship is then built around the SUP depending on the role needed. The DDS are now looking into improving the SUP for the next generation of large DDS ships. SUP-X would have a higher performance though the DDS have not said how much yet. SUP-X is some way off, even if SUP production ended tomorrow there is a backlog of 19 SUPs built ready to be used.


War of words over Oscar... at DDS GHQ

Firefly and The Orchid have clashed over the Oscar situation it is understood with Firefly blaming The Orchid for the chaos the planet is in. Firefly is understood to have linked the problems of the planet to the deposing of the Oscar human leader some years ago when he tried to bring the DDS into his conflict with the Clones. The Orchid had been captured by the Oscar regime and when the leader was deposed no attempt was made to help the Oscarites adjust. Since then the human side has fallen into anarchy, civil war and now face conquest by the Clones.

The Orchid has countered by reminding Firefly that the Rectoids had been manipulating the Oscarites and were pretty loosely held together. She said that the Oscarites would probably have fallen apart anyway.

Meanwhile the DDS and HCS are preparing for a summit on Dino-Land to discuss the situation. On Oscar itself the Clone side has agreed to a 5 day ceasefire though its thought they are not in a position to push on for a while anyway because of their exhausted logistics train.

Isometric fleet to receive update

The Isometric frigate fleet is to receive an update over the next few months. As the major overhaul for ILU is due next year the Isometric 2108 Update A (ISO2108UA) will be fairly modest. The ships will receive updated passive sensors and secondary laser cannons. The ships will also be "wired" for (but not actually receive yet) the 5036-A combat management suite. The ships will be ready to receive the units which should just need plugging in when further shipments of the system are available later this year.

The ships' communications backbone will be improved to increase the available bandwidth on the main databus and the ships will be able to datalink to TPM-2s (though the Isometrics will have to wait for ILU to actually carry the new missile). Many other secondary systems will also receive minor tweaks and updates, mostly software related. Updates will begin in April and be finished by the end of that month with the exception of SS Carboniferous (though it will be able to receive some software updates).

Ferret-E carries out combat tests with TPM

A developmental Ferret-E UCAV has successfully carried out an intercept of a target drone using TPM-2 missiles carried on the UCAV. The Ferret was launched by R101 Missileer in a joint-DDS/Dino test of the Ferret near Solaris. In an interesting example of joint-operations the TPM-2 received guidance corrections from a Dinomark XT nearby. This compatibility of datalinks has not previously been announced but it appears TPM-2 is fully compatible with Dino datalinks and TPM-1 will receive the capability in a future update.

Current Dino missiles (M-67H) also are compatible with DDS datalinks. This capability has arisen after experience of the Utrek War where it was decided to be useful if the DDS and Dinos were fighting alongside that they could assist each other in this way.

Task Force Windy at Smolask

Task Force Windy is now at the outlying planet of Smolask. It is known that the planet is a Bolitic battle planet which the various Bolitic Houses use for their endless battles. Billions of slave corpses were detected on the planet. SS Carboniferous is now under repair. Windy is hoping the ship will be back to full operation within a couple of weeks and can then continue onto a slave market planet which Windscorpion thinks could be the source of the human slaves found at Lord Reigan's depot.

It is now feared that the New Cross have been enslaved by the Bolitic and used in the endless and horrifically bloody wars as slave soldiers, driven into fearless killing machines by drugs and mind control techniques.


Dinomark NG fleet to be upgraded further

With the Dinomark NG fleet now just completing it's NG/6a upgrade plans are already in place for a further upgrade to take notice of the experiences of the Utrek War. The NG/6b programme could begin later this year and will see a number of internal changes to better handle combat damage. Agility will be enhanced with better direct sideforce thrusters.

The Dinos will also resurrect 4 withdrawn NGs (withdrawn due to heavy battle damage or accidents over the years) and rebuild them to NG/6b standard.

Marconi Special Forces upgrade returns to service

E101 Marconi, the first of the EW ships to receive extensive modifications for it's new role as a special forces base, has returned to service. The ship has received an enlarged docking bay able to operate 2 SROPS + 1 Fulcrum or 2 Fulcrums. Accommodation for up to 50 troops has been added (with facilities in place to quickly expand that up to 250 if needed). A basic casualty receiving station has been added and the sickbay improved. All EW and Elint systems have been upgraded plus the communication system has been improved. 360 CIWS has been added and the ship has been given a TPM-2 ready missile launcher (though will fire TPM-1s for now anyway).

The ship will take part in a number of special tests and exercises before the next conversion begins to see if any further improvements can be made.