
Windy Massive begin patrols at GHQ

In response to continued Hood attacks (two young men were attacked by 3 Hoods in L Block earlier today, they were forced to perform sex acts on each other and then savagely beaten) the Windy Massive has said it will begin anti-Hood patrols. The WM, the fan club of Windscorpion, said they will protect GHQ from the return of Hoodism and punish any Hoods captured.

LPG, Windy's cousin, has formed the WM patrols and promises that the criminals who killed Delicate Flower and beaten several other DDS men will be bought to justice.

DDS field new range of UAVs

The DDS have begun to use 3 new UAVs as part of the "uparming" of the DDS land and air forces. The DDS Army has started to use 2 UAVs.

The Raven MPSD (Man Portable Spotter Drone) RQ-9L, is a small drone for surveillance and artillery spotting. The Raven is a MAV with a 10cm wingspan but has infrared and enhanced vision cameras and a flying time of 2 hours. The Raven can provide datalinks direct to the DDS' artillery and also F-10 bombers. Data can also be transmitted to troops in the field with visual data being displayed in the troops combat glasses or to handheld receivers.

The Osprey FSD (Field Surveillance Drone) RQ-10A is a larger (3m wingspan) UAV that can stay aloft for up to 24 hours. Like the Raven the Osprey has a range of visual sensors though has also electronic "sniffing" sensors. It can also provide datalinks to a variety of platforms. The Osprey is launched off a catapult rail on the back of a specially equipped truck. It is later recovered after landing using a parachute.

The DDS Air Force has also started using a UAV. The Flash NRD (NBC Reconnaissance Drone) RQ-12N is based on the Osprey platform but has been enlarged to enable it to take-off and land from runways. It contains a number of sensors for NBC reconnaissance to detect NBC contamination. It is being used on Loeuss to help map irradiated hotspots (the Utrek used chemical weapons in some battles).

In the longer term the air force are developing a UCAV to supplement aerial attack assets (the F-10 and later on the NDAA). This is the LLAD (Long Loiter Attack Drone) MQ-14 but it is expected in service from 2110.


Hoods attack canteen

The Hoods have been quiet since their horrific murder of Delicate Flower but now have attacked again, this time raiding a canteen at GHQ in E Block. Three Hoods savagely beat the DDS personnel present at the canteen after hacking the door controls and security systems to prevent DDS Security coming to the rescue.

Six DDS personnel required medical attention afterwards, two were retained in hospital.

Dinos complete RS class

The 4th Dinomark RS has entered service following a lengthly build (each RS has taken over a year to build) but no more will be built. The RS is the largest and most powerful ship in the Dino fleet but the Dinos appear to not really know how to best use the RS. They are tending to be used for static defence around Dino-Land and Pulsin though are excellent warships (indeed in the short Dinos-DDS war in 2099 the first RS blew the crap out of the DDS fleet and the ships have been regularly updated since).

Ronald has said that the RS should be used more on operations away from home space, now that 4 are in service there should be enough to both guard the home lands and have a ship available for fleet use. There is a concern that RS crews lack the "killer edge" that their counterparts on PTs and XTs that have seen "action" have.

Now attention is being turned to upgrading the fleet, the final 2 are to an improved RS/2 standard so the Dinos want to bring the 1st 2 up to that standard. They also want to fit w-drive to the ships. The W1A w-drive as fitted to some PTs is not suitable for the RS however but the Dinos are working on an improved version W1R.

Dinos place order for DDS transports

The Dinos have placed a big order for DDS designed transports as part of the review of the Dino Army as announced by Ronald recently. Following unsuccessful attempts to get a scaled up transport version of the Dinomark XT quickly the Dinos have decided to order 8 Provider-E transports. The first 3 will be built by the Raegris and the rest by the Dinos themselves. More may be ordered later on.

The ships will be to a specially designed type Provider-EDA which will have a modified docking bay able to accept Dinomark XTs. It will also have Dino systems and weapons. The Dinos will not order Extender-E oilers too as they prefer "shore based" refuelling and maintenance. The first Provider-EDA is expected to be delivered next year. The DDS denied that other customers may have to wait for their orders to accommodate the Dinos.

The Dinos meanwhile are continuing to work on their own transport but have scrapped the troublesome Dinomark-MR project. Instead a modified design, the Dinomark-MX will be pursued with a first ship expected by 2110.

Operation of CM370 begins

The static defence system around Proxima 7 has now gone live, in a limited state at least. A ring of "killer satellites" around the planet is now in place. These automated systems include refurbished Z cannons and other reused systems to save costs. They are backed up by air-launched TPM-A aircraft over GHQ.

CM370 has suffered a number of delays and budget cuts but the DDS are relieved they finally have something to show for it. The CM370 system will be improved in future with TPM-1 missile launchers fitted to the satellites early in the next decade as these launchers are taken out of warships and replaced with TPM-2 launchers. Detection and control systems will also be upgraded next year. The air-based layer will be expanded over the next few years with a second squadron based at Hexian City, a third to supplement the 1st at GHQ and a 4th based elsewhere on the planet. Ground based TPM-G will also be deployed at some stage.


HCS seek to defuse Oscar flareup

With the DDS threatening to send their 3rd Fleet to Oscar the HCS have asked the DDS to attend a summit where the Oscar situation can be discussed and a common approach to the troubles on the planet can be forged. The Dinos have been approached to provide a neutral venue. The DDS have yet to reply to the HCS request by Captain Clone.

Meanwhile the fighting continues on the planet, a human counterattack is thought to have failed.

HCS Round-up (25/02/08)

The HCS Navy have placed an order for 5 more MQZ-1 UCV blimps following successful evaluation of the type. The new batch will be of an upgraded model with extra power and improved sensors. It is understood the HCSN are also looking to get involved with the HCSAF's UCAV projects especially the reconnaissance UCAV-RX which is expected to be given the designation RQ-1. (One has to note though that there is a little bit of confusion between this and the already announced RQ-1 project which was assumed to be a much simpler subsonic aircraft while the UCAV-RX is a stealthy supersonic project. The HCSAF have not mentioned the original RQ-1 project which possibly means it has been cancelled in favour of UCAV-RX).

The HCS Navy have also placed an order for a surveillance and intelligence gathering ship. It is thought the ship will use the Power auxiliary ship platform. Building will begin later this year. The ship, as yet unnamed, will assist the HCSN in fighting the growing pirate threat.

The F-40S upgrade programme was to have rebuilt 1000 old F-40s but has been cut once again to a total of 400 rebuilds, of which 16 have been funded to date. The first 5 F-40S will enter service next year though the update will not be quite as comprehensive as originally planned. The HCSAF are trying to reduce spending on this project in order to fund replacements for the A-19B and older A-84s.

The HCS has received clearance to begin forming the extra panzer division they have been lobbying for for a few years now. The division will be equipped with a new version of the T-89 which will also supply other elite regiments. The new version is the T-89FSU (Future System Update) and includes new sensors and combat management systems. The armour has also been upgraded to a new secret alloy. The T-89FSU replaces the T-89G project, the main difference being the existing T-89 engine is retained. It is not known yet if older T-89s will be upgraded to FSU standard.

The division will also receive T-55ZDM, the upgraded type jointly funded by the Dinos. In HCS service the tank will receive a few modifications for Clone use and different radios and will be also known as T-55ZDM and not Z7 as originally planned. (The HCS in general is moving to more descriptive type designations).

Finally the standard HCS SSM the SS-9 (also to be used on next generation warships as the SS-N-9) will receive an update to guidance and counter-measures as the SS-9A.


UV127 : Blast Radius

  • Confrontation! - Windy has to battle the Bolitic forces of Baron Reigan...
  • A Triumph? - M-B-H engineers a triumph for himself...
  • Ghost Ship - An ancient Earth ship is found floating in deep space...
Stay tuned for UV128 : Rough Trade


DDS and HCS confront each other over Oscar

There are reports that a DDS and HCS warship nearly came to blows over the search of a Porquatian registered commercial transport. The DDS ship was moving in to scan the transport which was heading to Oscar to check it for the existence of banned materials (such as weapons) when a HCS warship suddenly decloaked in front of the DDS ship and said it would conduct the search.

There was a stand-off for an hour before DDS GHQ ordered the DDS ship to retreat because of the reports of more HCS warships closing in. The DDS have lodged an official protest to the Clones and have ordered the 3rd Fleet to prepare to be deployed to Oscar.


First Shark enters testing

The most important new HCS warship since the Soulaki, the Shark frigate, has entered testing. The oft-delayed frigate design has been around for a number of years (though for a long time described an an OPV) but delayed several times due to funding problems and HCS politics. The deteriorating state of the Kalahati Tuul fleet however forced the HCS' hand and they gave the full go-ahead to build the Shark last year.

The Shark is a simple design at first glance but has been designed to have modular armament which can be easily and quickly changed in port. Base line the Shark has 2 laser cannons and a missile launcher but can be also fitted with heavier cannons and extra missile launchers. Mine warfare and other options are said to be under development. The Shark can reach 600c which is fast for the HCS.

Technology wise the Shark is the most advanced HCS one yet. Its the first fully wireless HCS warship (although Soulaki, Cosmos S and late MTs have had wireless control it hasn't been on all systems and a physical wire backup was retained) and has what is called SCS (Ship Control System) though to be similar to DDS Open Architecture (though not as advanced). Some key systems have plug & play modules under SCS though the HCS are not pursuing the other features of OA like off-site telemetry monitoring, auto-reconfiguration and optimisation.

The first Shark is expected to enter service in the early summer.

Update : JDW is reporting that the HCS are working on off-site telemetry monitoring. Major hubs of the HCS Data Network are apparently receiving computer upgrades and a large new mainframe complex has been installed at Beyond Micom. It is thought the HCS will begin storing telemetry information from it's fleet by the start of 2109.


TPM updates

The DDS have released the latest version of the transphasic missile, the TPM-1-D. Block D has a totally redesigned countermeasures suite and improved datalinks that are more resistant to jamming. Block D could be the last major version of TPM-1 as focus switches to TPM-2. However TPM-1 will remain in production until the end of the decade at least and will continue to be improved.

As for TPM-2 the latest development version TPM-2 M3C has also been released. This includes some software bug fixes and addresses an issue with the primary coolant control mechanism which failed on a recent test.


Solaris to be updated

The last surviving Solaris frigate in DDS service, training frigate T121 Solaris II is to receive an update, the first of the year's class updates. Solaris 2108 Update A (SOL2108UA) includes improvements to the power management system and updated communication systems. The internal layout will also be totally replaced with panels and fittings covered with a new experimental material that is said to reduce blast shrapnel by 90% in a combat situation. The material will be trialed on Solaris II prior to a general roll out across the fleet.

Damage management systems will also be improved. Solaris II will conduct a number of evaluation tests this year with realistic but controlled combat scenarios. The work will take place in March.

DDS call on both sides to cease on Oscar

The DDS have called upon the Clone and Human faction on Oscar to stop fighting and for the Clones to return to their designated border. They have despatched reinforcements to the "Oscar Patrol" (which is just a Rome corvette at the moment) in the form of a Pulsar and a Terran Sea frigate. However the HCS, who also maintain a minimal patrol at Oscar, have warned the DDS not to "militarise Oscar space" and they will respond with their own reinforcements.

There is no sign of the Clone faction heeding the DDS call however and now there are rumours that the Clones are being supplied with new weapons from Cloneworld. Officially there is an arms embargo but a reporter for UNP-News has said he has seen Clone faction troops with AR-105 rifles and RPG-16Y rocket launchers. Both are new HCS weapons that have only been introduced into service in the last couple of years, long after the embargo was started.

The HCS have denied they are supplying the Clone faction with weapons, saying that maybe the weapons are stolen.


Oscar heating up again?

Oscar, the running sore in Human-Clone relations seeks set to be heating up again after a sudden offensive by Clone faction forces broke through over the border and captured the border town of De'Rida. Oscar is split between Human and Clone colonists who are united only in mutual loathing and war between the 2 sides has descended into a bloody stalemate however now it seems the Clones have the advantage.

There are signs the Clones are preparing for another offensive, this time aimed at the Human capital Oscar City. The Human army is said to be in chaos and desperately calling for DDS and UNP assistance.


LRM news

Development of the Long Range Missile (LRM) has begun with the 20 light year range missile expected to enter service before the middle of the next decade. The LRM will be launchable from space ships, orbital bases and also from planet based silos. In fact 4 sites on Proxima 5, Solaris, Rathun's World and Remedia Prime have been earmarked for the silos. The DDS have also considered submarine launched missiles but the cost of maintaining SSBNs has deterred the DDS for now but it has been kept as an option for the future.

The LRM is a strategic weapon, the DDS intending it to mainly a deterrence weapon but also suitable for first-strikes. The DDS intend to have around 100 missiles on readiness standby with a reserve of 150.

A 100 light year range version the Ultra Long Range Missile (ULRM) is also being looked at. With such a weapon missiles launched from Proxima 5 could reach most places in the Dino and Clone Empires for example. Missiles sited on Remedia Prime could reach deep into Utrek space.


Fleet news (14/02/08)

At a bumper naming ceremony no fewer than 4 new ships have joined the fleet. The penultimate Arafura Sea class frigate F151 North Sea II, Rome corvettes K112 Seneca K113 Sulla and Fulcrum class special forces transport A602 Apex were all dedicated.

As well the latest Quasar ILU C123 Boson has been completed though C128 Baryon has already left service to begin it's ILU. C123 Boson has become the new command of Torus and has begun a survey mission in the space between the Remedian Belt and Bolitic Confederacy.

Coril shuttle A552 Karen has been withdrawn after failing a structural test. The shuttle was the oldest ship in the DDS. Some other ships are said to be close to the same state and the DDS hope to withdraw the rest of the fleet by next year once the new Corils enter service.


Interview with Dr Forbidden

The head of DDS Research Dr Forbidden recently took time out from his busy schedule to grant us this interview.

US : Welcome Dr Forbidden! The last few months have been pretty hectic for DDS Research haven't they?

DF : Hello! Yes indeed. When the war against the Utrek began he had to immediately change our focus from long-term projects to shorter-term ones that could have a bearing on the conflict. We worked very hard during the conflict and helped a number of key war winning technologies. After the war we were pretty exhausted however! I gave nearly the entire staff a month off and then we got back to work and go back into our previous research, its taken a few months to get back on track but now everything is as before.

US : And I know one of those long-term projects is wormhole drive. How do you feel about the Dinos now going live with it?

DF : Well we expected it. We are a long way behind, i would say we are at least 10 years from reaching the same level of the Dinos but we did start our wormhole drive development some 22 years after the Dinos did! Now i know that will disappoint a lot of people but its a simple fact. We are hoping to be able to begin field tests early in the next decade. Hopefully we can field wormdrive equipped UCVs by 2115.

US : Doesn't that put us at a disadvantage?

DF : Maybe but the Dinos are not currently our enemies and of our enemies such as the Utrek and Tarbotians our propulsion technologies already exceed theirs. As far as we, or rather our intelligence services know, the Utrek are not working on wormdrive technologies and the Tarbotians are thought to be only just starting.

US : Why is it so difficult to develop wormhole drive? Is it dangerous?

DF : Well there are many formidable technical hurdles to overcome, i know the Dinos suffered over 300 fatal (as in machine) accidents during their development. There was also a physiological effect on organic life aboard a ship in the wormhole that took the Dinos several years to overcome. Because of that UCVs will be first but manned wormhole drive ships will come a few years later. By 2120 i expect it to be standard on all our warships, or at least the front-line.

US : Moving on, as TPM-2 is due to enter service this year what will happen to TPM-1 and are you working on a pure energy TPM-3 as some blogs have mentioned?

DF : TPM-1 has a few years of life left in it. It will take some years to convert the whole fleet over to TPM-2 and of course we have large stockpiles of missiles. Our focus will be on retrofitting existing TPM-1s as production will slow in the rest of the decade. TPM-2 is of course the main focus and will be our major weapon well into the next decade. We are working on pure energy missiles but its too early to say if that will be TPM-3.

US : We know about TPM-2 and the also upcoming Zip cannon but what other weapon technologies are you working on?

DF : Of course we have to keep a lot of things secret but the long range missile, LRM, will be a key weapon in our armoury as will be the MRM. We are also looking at improving our non-lethal weapons. We have read the reports of Bolitic infoweapons with interest and the DDS would like us to explore similar cyberweapons.

US : Thank you for your time, Dr Forbidden.


Dinos to review armed forces

Consul Ronald has said he will begin a full review of the Dino armed forces next month. He said it would be the last major act of his period as Consul which ends at the end of the year. Ronald said, "The changing political situation means we have to look at our armed forces and see how best to develop them to best meet the challenges of today and tomorrow."

High on the agenda will be power projection and logistics which are where the Dinos are weak. It is rumoured the Dinos may buy DDS Provider and Extender transports.

Sirikwan seek to please everybody

Sirikwan annoyed the Dinos somewhat last year by ordering 2 Provider-Es as part of their fleet replacement programme and not opting for Dino ships (as the Sirikwanese are Dinos the feeling is on Dino-Land they should have closer links). The Sirikwanese have just announced the next stage of their fleet replacement with an order for 2 more Pentekonter-Es to go with the 5 ordered previously with deliveries set to begin in 2110.

However the Sirikwanese have also placed an order for Dino missiles and orbital base equipment and look to be thinking of ordering some export Dinomark-XTs indicating they will pursue a duel source strategy for their fleet replacement.


Neptune despatched to assist Windy

A DDS blog has revealed that development ship X101 Neptune II, the fastest ship in the fleet, was despatched 2 weeks ago to join Task Group Windy. The request was made after the first encounters with the Bolitic and Windy found that the oiler was vulnerable to attack while Windy's ship SS Carboniferous fought Bolitic warships. Windy ordered the Neptune leave Solaris where it was preparing to have some new sensors fitted for development and then join Windy's group.

Neptune is expected to take just over 2 more weeks to get to Windy, though SS Carboniferous is thought to need 2-3 weeks repairs before continuing onwards so Neptune is heading to rendezvous with the other ships at Smolask.

DDS moot future Velocity

The Velocity class destroyer had a difficult start, canceled and then resurrected production was restricted to a small jig which means production is slow and can only be done one ship at a time. It takes around 11-12 months to build each ship. However the DDS are now looking at ordering more Velocities of a expanded varient.

There have been designs for a larger Velocity for some time now. The current type, the Velocity S, was meant to have a fuselage plug but this was cut for cost reasons. The DDS are now looking at an improved Velocity as they feel it has export potential.

The Velocity was designed as a high performance and long range destroyer able to act on it's own for extended periods. Thus the DDS feel it would be suitable for smaller navies which are the primary customers for DDS ships. A Velocity can operate alone without extra support assets and thus is a potent and cost effective ship.

It is understood Windscorpion has given the go-ahead for preliminary design work on a lengthened Velocity. Its thought the extra space will allow the Velocity to have a larger docking bay (2 SROPS or 1 SROPS + Fulcrum/Coril) is desired, extra weapon load and further improved endurance. A full announcement will be made later this year if the concept designs are liked. If the DDS go ahead with this they would get the Raegris to build the ships first for the DDS and then export orders.


Dinos finalise Louess deployment

Shortly after the defeat of the Utrek the Dinos re-enforced their garrison on Loeuss with the 10th Legion which raised Remedian eyebrows (or would if they had any) about the level of troops kept on the planet. However it seems most of these troops were to guard against a Utrek counterattack and also to build a large permanent base on the planet. Most of these troops are now returning to Dino-Land.

The Dinos say they are going to maintain an infantry brigade on the planet and also an SS-D company. A squadron of Dinomarks (about 5) will also be kept on the planet. The armoured brigade that was on the planet has left it's armour behind as they will get new toys when they return home. The tanks and AFVs left behind have been put into storage on Loeuss "just in case".

In other Dino Army news the Dinos have placed an order for 60 T-55ZNR NBC reconnaissance tanks, a modification of the T-55Z jointly funded by the HCS and Dinos. Another joint venture the ZDM has passed it's tests with the Dinos who are said to be very happy with it. It should begin production for both the HCS and Dino Army later this year.


HCS Round-up (06/02/08)

The HCSN's sole submarine S01 Tinfish has been returned to full operational use, though only with standard torpedos. The HCSN have decided to not wait until the SS-NS-3 missile was ready because of the emergent submarine threat from pirates. Oiler A03 Power Line has joined the HCSN fleet, and the second Olana destroyer D02 Micom has been launched. D01 Olana is currently undergoing trials.

The HCSAF are looking to replace it's small fleet of capable but ageing A-19B Boreholes. The interdiction aircraft could be replaced by a dedicated strike varient of the F-45 though there are concerns that the payload and range of the F-45 are not sufficient. However see below.

The Mach 4 reconnaissance fighter the RF-41 Flashlight has officially been withdrawn though no flights have taken place since last November. All 10 remaining aircraft will be preserved, its possible one will be retained in a flyable condition for research into hypersonic flight.

Although not official various HCS analysis publications think the HCSAF are working on 2 advanced UCAV designs, one a hypersonic reconnaissance plane (UCAV-RX) and the other a supersonic strike plane (UCAV-AX). Its thought the 2 types do not share any design features and are very different beasts. UCAV-RX is said to be a Mach 5 capable strategic reconnaissance plane and the UCAV-AX a stealthy bomber able to reach Mach 2.

The HCSAF have withdrawn 49 of it's oldest F-40 multirole fighters. These veterans have been in service for a long time, indeed a couple of the aircraft fought during the HCS-DDS war on Cloneworld.

Task Force Windy attacked

Windy's task force, heading ever deeper into the Bolitic Confederacy on the hunt for the New Cross, has been attacked by a powerful Bolitic force. Three Snarl and an older Redhull of an unknown House (though maybe of the House of Reigan whose depot Windy attacked a few weeks ago) ambushed the SS Carboniferous and SS Stratotanker. In the ensuing battle 2 Snarls and the Redhull were destroyed. The Extender oiler received minor damage but the Carboniferous lost main power and will require repairs before the mission can continue.

It is understood the 2 ships have gone onto the nearby planet of Smolask to begin the repairs.


DDS place order for 5 Coril 2110s

With it's fleet of Coril shuttles ageing the DDS has placed an order with a Cloneworld company for it's reverse engineered copies of the famous Tarbotian design. The Coril 2110 looks identical to the original though has more modern systems and a more powerful engine, the FT101A that boosts speed to 205c. The ships will be delivered to the DDS later this year for final fitting out with sensitive equipment including support for TPM-2. Although too small for a missile launcher its thought the Coril 2110 (to be known as Coril-B in DDS service) will be able to carry a number of TPM-2s externally on pylons for self-defence.

If the ships are successful the DDS will order more to replace all 12 remaining Corils and also rebuild the fleet up to a required 20. An earlier plan to refurbish existing Corils has been abandoned as a waste of money.


Dinos clear wormhole drive for operational use

After many years of development (and mishaps) the Dinos have finally cleared their wormhole drive (known as w-drive) for operational use. The next generation star drive generates artificial wormholes to travel instantly through space time. The current Dino w-drive can make a jump through space-time (called a w-jump) of around 5 light years. There have been many technical challenges to overcome to clear w-drive for use. The first successful w-jumps were made 8 years ago but a number of accidents early on have meant the Dinos have restricted it's use until they could man-rate (or rather dino-rate) the technology.

Finally after a 3 year period without mishaps the technology has been cleared for operational use. W-drives are currently fitted to 4 Dinomark PTs but will be fitted to all new PTs from next year and selected ships will be retrofitted with w-drives this year. The final test of the w-drive was a mission by an unmanned probe which made over 300 w-jumps and covered over 1,500 light years. The probe traveled to the far edge of the Utrek Federation and appears to have found the Utrek at war with a previously unknown race known as the Mantae. Further analysis of data gathered by the probe will be undertaken by a joint Dino-DDS team.

W-drive will give the Dinos a huge advantage and the secret is being guarded incredibly tightly. The Dino Republic at it's furthest point is about 80 light years across so in theory a ship could travel it in 16 seconds and not the weeks it currently takes. In reality w-drives require a lengthy recharge between w-jumps and the distance of a jump cannot easily be modified meaning that hyperspace drive is still needed for the end of the trip unless the journey to be taken can be exactly divided by 5. The time between w-jumps is a secret though a DDS blog is reporting the time at nearly 9 hours. Its not known if Dino ships can operate using hyperspace drives while the w-drive is recharging. However even if not, being able to make 2 w-jumps in 24 hours (or to be exact 18 hours) means the ship can travel 10 light years in a day.

By comparison a ship traveling at 1000c (the limit of current hyperspace technology) takes around 8 and 3/4 hours to travel a light year so roughly speaking Dino w-drive is equivalent to a speed of 5000c. As the time between recharges comes down than that equivalent speed will increase.

The DDS are of course working on their own w-drive but predict it will be "at least 10 years and probably 15" according to a DDS Research paper. However the DDS intend to use it first on a UCV thus they can have w-drive in operational use years earlier as the safety and physiological problems (w-jumps can have a harmful effect on living creatures, this alone delayed the Dinos for 4 years) will not arise. Even so the DDS say people shouldn't expect a working operational DDS w-drive before 2115.


UV126 : Chicks With Dicks

  • Finding Gibson - Gibson is rescued but is the damage already done?...
  • A Neutral And Laudable Session Examining Xylophones - While Trok visits Gibson Z-B-H investigates dissent in the SS...
  • Panther! - The Panther's debut mission has a few unexpected guests...
  • Desperate Men - Criminals steal a Kalahati Tuul...
  • Working On The Side - Windy gets a lead in his search for the New Cross...
Stay tuned for the next issue UV127 Blast Radius next month!