
The ANALyst : Building a DDS sphere of influence

This week Dr P.K. Vincent looks at diplomacy.

The DDS is a powerful force, one of the major powers in our region of space. It possesses a fairly decent sized fleet of highly advanced and powerful warships and has a strategic network of space stations and ports from Proxima to Starbot. But there is one area where the DDS really is on top.

The galaxy today is about relationships, allied powers to assist you with intelligence, facilties and help secure one border. Its where the DDS has a definate advantage over the other Central Powers the Dinos and Clones. The DDS has bought the Remedians and Starbotians into the DDS, greatly increasing their manpower and forces. They have also an alliance with the Aritans and a growing one with the Raegris.

The DDS is now slowly but surely surrounding it's rivals with allies. Aldebra has been approached with joining the DDS and the DDS have held talks with the Vosun-Voth. This is pushing the Local Galaxy in the DDS' direction. However the danger is it will endanger relations with the Dinos and the Clones. One Clone politician has already compared the DDS to a "human virus". Charming.

As speeds improve then the Local Galaxy expands, which brings new potential allies into the viewfinder. Its interesting that neither the Dinos or Clones have managed to successfully chase these allies. Their attempts have usually been rebuffed. Diplomacy is definately an area where the DDS have an edge.

Feeder class shuttle announced / Rome details

Dr Forbidden held a media briefing today and announced the DDS would be building a fleet of new shuttles. The existing Coril fleet is now ageing and is obsolete, being only able to reach 170c. With the expanding size of DDS space now the Coril is proving unsuitable for many missions. Dr Forbidden said that the new shuttle design, to be called the Feeder class, will be somewhat larger with a crew of up to 6 and a passenger compartment able to take up to 12 passengers. The Feeder class will have a top speed of 500c and will have a degree of self-protection.

Dr Forbidden said the DDS would retain a reduced fleet of Corils and he expected the DDS to purchase around 10 Feeders which could enter service around the end of next year.

He also gave some details of the Rome class patrol ship. He said it would be a multi-role warship with intended roles such as ECM, VIP, transport, patrol and others. The Rome would have a modular design allowing it to be fitted out for different missions very quickly.


UV100 : A Century Of Filth

Finally we have the long-awaited 100th issue of the bottom punishing UV series! This is the summer 2106 special and looks back at the Hoods, those white-sheeted f**ks. In Alliance With The Devil we see how Action Painting was recruited by Lord Rotarios and how he and Vodaphone came up with the idea of the Hoods to destabilise the Shiner regime.

In The Boss Under A Tack the Hoods begin their campaign of terror, even The Shiner himself getting a kicking. Violence Is Now shows Vodaphone's plan to finish off The Shiner. In Crepe Skirt we look into the events that resulted in The Shiner giving up amid scenes of chaos at GHQ. Finally Into The Minds Of The Hoods gives us an insight into what drives these earnest young men (expect sickness).

UV100 is available at all brothels and schoolgirl lockers across Solaris. Only evil perverts need apply.


Zones attempt to kidnap DDS General

General Mecoram, the head of the DDS Army on Porquat 640, was nearly kidnapped by Zone pirates whilst en route from Porquat 640 to Proxima 7 for a conference. He was travelling on the Starsystem class ship 9103T Piscis Australis near New Jakarta when 3 Zone raiders attacked. The Starsystem was quickly overwhelmed and the Zones demanded Mecoram surrender himself to them. Luckily the Pulsar class cruiser 1013 India was nearby and was able to chase off the Zones before they could get Mecoram. The Starsystem was then escorted to New Jakarta where the DDS have some repair facilities.

The DDS are now reviewing their security procedures as the Zones knew Mecoram would be on the ship and where he was.


DDS announce Virtual Universe 3.0

The DDS have announced a major upgrade to their real-time virtual representation of the DDS armed forces. This ties in transponders in DDS hardware (such as space ships, major land weapons) along with sensor information to produce a virtual representation of DDS space. This representation can be interacted with using VR technology. Since version 2.0 the DDS have been able to allow personnel to take part in battles remotely. A recent example is when Windy controlled a tank in a DDS exercise even though really he was on a spaceship on the other side of DDS space.

Version 3.0 is a major hardware upgrade to improve response speed and the level of detail. The system is also integrated with the FEDO system being rolled out onto DDS spaceships to allow remote operation and virtual interaction.

Virtual Universe allows DDS commanders to have an immediate real-time view of their forces in operation and also for training to take place in realistic scenarios.

UV99 : Guns & Sex

The latest explosive issue of Ultra Violence contains 5 genital-shattering stories. In Fantasy Z-B-H is sent by Lakes to investigate strange goings on with ancient SS archives. In Beyond Evil Windy breaks his Rectoid prisoner's will and body and returns to 2106.

Bring Me To Dance shows the unbelievable events of Captain Clone's betrayal of Oojok, his coup seizing power. In The Battle Of Urirus 15 the Dinos tackle Zones who may have Bolitic backing. Finally in The Elrate Marshes the recruits we are following go on a field trip and end up having their first taste of combat.

UV99 is available in all Chavette's fake-Burberry panties and Mental Hospitals galaxy-wide. The milestone UV100 will be available in a few weeks and at the end of june UV101 The Larger Lady will be released.


The ANALyst : How the Porquatians changed the game

Hello Dr Pheodore T. Vincent PhD, MA, BSc (Hons), CertHum (Open) here again. This week in The Analyst i am going to discuss the Porquatians and how they changed the DDS fleet forever.

As you know the Porquatians threatened to seize the Rim Worlds and challenged the Central Powers. For a time they even held their own against the DDS/HCS/Dinos, mostly thanks to their superb warships : the Quagan frigate and Xian cruiser. The Quagan is (or should i say was as not many still exist) a small, fast and agile warship. Although it's superluminal speed is low (as Porquatian hyperspace technology was obsolete) at subluminal speeds the Quagan was very hard for the DDS to handle. It also packed a serious punch with it's twin missile launchers.

At the time DDS fleet doctrine was for large lumbering warships like the Pulsar and Quasar with smaller ships like the Starsystem really restricted to patrol and escorting. The Quagan showed the DDS that maybe the age of large sluggish warships was over. After the war the DDS looked to their new Isometric frigate class and greatly increased it's firepower. That trend has continued with the Terran Sea which has a firepower potential similar to a Pulsar ILU (the standard at the time of the Porquatian war) and of course the forthcoming Panther destroyer will pack a massive amount of firepower into a small and agile frame.

The DDS have also looked to greatly improve the agility of it's existing cruisers but it does look like the age of the cruiser is over. Although the Pulsar and Quasar will continue in service until 2140 there are no new cruiser classes planned. The DDS sees ships like the Panther as the future of space combat. Small and agile yet heavily armed. The spirit of the Quagan lives on in the Panther.


DDS Fleet news round-up

Four more Pentekonter patrol ships have successfully ended their proving trials and will enter service later this week, they are 3606 Xerxes, 3607 Sappho, 3608 Sophocles and 3609 Hesiod. All four will be allocated to a patrol hub based at Saeou.

The Sparta class, the big brother to the Pentekonter, is to be renamed Rome class and the ships will be named after Ancient Roman figures. Details of the ship's specification are expected soon.

The DDS have begun to restore the old Isometric production rig based at Solaris. It will be used to build the Terran Sea ships for the Raegris thus not interfering with DDS production. Raegris Rhombus ships, being newbuild unlike the DDS ones, will also be built on this rig.

Faction In Focus : The Vegans

Remember The Hitman? Well that freak (and early DDS stalwart) was a Vegan. The Vegans are thus a race of violent, brutal warriors. And everyone hates them. And they don't care.

The Vegans are organised into a number of tribes, with the Vegan King in overall command (though command might be exaggerating it somewhat). The different tribes either fight each other or fight anyone else. Because of this love of war the Vegans fighting skills are highly honed and their technology heavily military focussed.

Vegan space is dangerous and best avoided. The DDS have tried to bring the Vegans into the DDS from time to time but now have given up because of the sheer impossibility of controlling them. Those Vegans who arn't that good at fighting become traders, they are almost as dangerous though. Because of their warriors and warlike attitude the Vegans have not been threatened by invasion. That might also be because Vega is not worth a great deal. Their homeworld is an arid dull wasteland. Its probably why they are always in a bad mood.

The Vegans are also known for their love for extreme heavy rock music, its almost unlistenable. Its nearly as bad as Dino Death Metal.


Isometric to test Panther engine

The Isometric Prototype has just been withdrawn from service and will be fitted with a development version of the Gluon XTM-07A engine which will later power the Panther destroyer. The engine, which uses hybrid technology from the Pluto development programme is the most powerful yet fitted to a DDS ship. The engine potentially can take the Isometric to 1085c but because of the structural limitations of the ship the engine will be limited to take the Isometric to 1010c (10 second burst) and a cruise of 875c. The Panther will have a Gluon TM-07A-GM and is expected to be able to reach 1100c for a full 30 second burst and cruise at 957c!

The Panther will be delayed by a few months though, although it will enter test by H2 2107 it will probably not now enter service until Q1 2108.


The ANALyst : The market for DDS ships

In a new feature the noted space warfare analyst Dr Pheodore T. Vincent of Janes Space Warfare will be writing of the pressing issues of the day. In the first instalment Dr Vincent discusses the sale of DDS ships to the Raegris and the future possible market for DDS sales.

The sale of DDS warships to the Raegris is a notable coup for the DDS, beforehand they have just sold their old ships off, either surplus like the Quasars or crap like the Intrepids. But now they have an order for brand new ships. Is the Raegris merely the start of a highly profitable business for the DDS?

The answer is probably no. There arn't many potential customers for new ships, in our region of space anyway. Other than the Raegris the only power that could afford brand new ships would be the Bolitic Confederacy and selling advanced military technology to them would sour DDS relations with the Dinos at a time (with the Clone Empire turmoil) when good relations with a fellow Central Power are essential. Wheras the Raegris probably will buy more ships off the DDS (especially more Rhombus) the market for new ships is limited.

So that leaves the sale of older ships. Now there are more potential customers here, such as the Aritans, but the supply of ships is limited. Actually the only older ships left available are Solaris frigates (some of which will be sold to the Aritans), unless the DDS wish to raid their training fleet. Minor powers like Artic cannot even afford those. One possible solution would be to build less powerful ships based on the Pentekonter platform, maybe even leased to save money.

So I expect that to be the true market for DDS warships, cheap yet capable warships bringing in some useful money. The time of huge export orders worth billions is probably now and will not be repeated, however smaller sales and leases worth millions are certainly not to be sniffed at. (c) Dr Vincent 2106.

Work begins on CM360 defense ring... somewhat

Work has begun on the previously ultra top-secret CM360 orbital defense ring. However the project has been scaled back drastically since the original plans were detailed at the start of the year, the DDS have been cutting some projects to save money and CM360 was the hardest hit. CM360 will now be restricted to just 1 space station, based next to the main DDS orbital docking station. This vital strategic resource will be defended by the space station which will have 3 Z-cannons and 2 TP missile launchers.

Raegris seal massive deal with DDS for space ships

The Raegris have signed a massive 8.3 billion zark deal for DDS space ships. The order consists of 8 frigates based on the Terran Sea Block 3 design. The type will be known as the DF-1 He'Taka frigate. The Raegris will also have 2 new build ships based on the Rhombus long-range scout. These ships will be known as the DF-2 Rew'Nala. The third part of the deal is an update to their existing fleet of ex-DDS Quasar cruisers (known as DC-1 Uhm'Waa in Raegris service). This update will bring the ships up close to the Quasar ILU standard. Finally the Raegris will buy several thousand trans-phasic missiles and a number of other spare parts.

This huge cash injection will be very useful to the DDS and will enable investment in their own fleet though building the new ships could mean the DDS' own production of Terran Sea and Rhombus could be delayed. The DDS are looking into restoring the old Isometric production rig to take over DDS Terran Sea and Rhombus production. The Raegris may yet buy more ships, they are considering buying more surplus Quasar cruisers and also a light patrol ship. The DDS have pitched a design based on the Pentekonter/Sparta.

Zones working with the Bolitic?

A few days ago a Zone raider was seen near an asteroid field at the Dino-Bolitic frontier near Pulsin. After a brief skirmish with 2 Dinomarks the Zones were sent packing. A Dino spokesdino said that it looked like the Zones were in communication with a Bolitic warship over the border and also the Zones had adapted their weapons to work better against Dino shields. Technological knowledge that could have been supplied by the Bolitic. Its thought the Zones were after a rich gold deposit on an asteroid in the area.

The Dinos have despatched a space squadron to the area and also will strengthen patrols at the other end of their territory, near to Zoneland. This appearance of Zone mercenaries so far from their usual operating area is very noteworthy.

Captain Clone & Benito announce empire re-organisation

Captain Clone, Benito and The Friar held a joint media briefing, the Captain at HCS GHQ on Cloneworld and the other two via a video link from their HQ on Austini 55. They announced details of the new regime.
  • The empire will be officially be renamed Clone Star Empire
  • Captain Clone, Benito and The Friar will rule the Empire as a triumvirate
  • Captain Clone will rule the Western Empire, his capital planet will be Daggaddon. The other planets in his area will be the old core planets and the Rim Worlds section : Sand World, Lomar, Taragargi, Calantratia, Colom, Geulis, Aouris, Teriatri 7, Randalf 74 and Saeou 6.
  • Benito will rule the Eastern Empire, his capital planet will be Austini 55. The other planets in his area will be the eastern core : Wizard World, Miliaris, Woloron 12, Laalande 21649, Rendralal 4, Paragon, Aquaworld and Petric.
  • The Friar will act as the civilian commander of the Empire and will be responsible for Cloneworld, which will also be neutral territory.
  • The Western and Eastern Empires will have separate HCS (HCS-W and HCS-E), though equipment and administration will be shared for now. Cloneworld will be defended by HCS Reserve drawn equally from units of HCS-W and E.
  • The empire will have a secular constitution but the Temple Of Orach will be regarded as the main religion. The cult of Oojok will not be banned for now but will be discouraged.


Captain Clone offers terms to Oojok

Captain Clone has offered Oojok, Sleeze and their families freedom from persecution and peaceful exile in return for the flagship Mighty Oojok to the HCS and an agreement to not pursue opposing his coup. Captain Clone is also thought to have held talks with the Dinos and agreed with them for Oojok's exile to be there in return for Dino assets on Cloneworld being left intact.

Oojok has not replied yet but its not thought he has much choice.

Faction In Focus : Porquat 640

The Porquatians really punched way above their weight a few years ago, at one time they were pitted against all three Central Powers and were holding their own. Of course now their fleet has been wiped out and the planet is occupied by the DDS so they didn't hold their own for long...

The peace of the end of the Third Clone War was shattered when the aggressive Porquatians launched an attempt to defeat the Aritans and dominate the Rim Worlds. Possessing a small but powerful fleet, augmented by Utrek finance and technology, the Porquatians quickly defeated the Aritans and were posed to invade. The DDS led a tri-partite force with the Dinos and HCS to oppose the Porquatian aggression. The three Central Powers were nearly drawn into a war between themselves when the first battle ended in a fiasco, later attributed to Rectoid interference. Its now thought the Rectoids were in control of certain members of the Porquat 640 government and wanted to weaken the Central Powers for their own ends.

The war ended disasterously for the Porquatians, 98% of their fleet was destroyed and the DDS defeated them with their new biogenic weapons that destroyed crops on one of the continents on Porquat 640. Now the Porquatians are under control of the DDS but it is a difficult task for the occupiers with frequent insurgency being a drain on DDS manpower and finance, its thought the DDS will soon withdraw their forces.

The Porquatians are rather unpleasant, aggressive and xenophobic but are also brave fighters and innovative. Their Quagan and Xian warships were an unpleasant surprise to the DDS, having the edge for a time. In fact the DDS think that alone they would have struggled to defeat the Porquatians, only with the Dino help was success assured. If they could be bought into the DDS fold they would be a very useful ally...


Work starts on Rhombus frigate

6 Isometric frigates are to be rebuilt as Rhombus class long-range scout frigates in order to replace the Solaris II. 3123 Phanerzoic has been withdrawn from service to become the first ship to be converted. The fuselage will be extended by 15m to allow greater storage space and more comfortable living space for the crew (which will also be increased to 34). The engine will be replaced with the TL-05 engine which also will be in the Terran Sea Block 3.

The Rhombus will be fitted with an advanced long-range communications system being developed by DDS Research however this is unlikely to be ready before the end of 2107 so the first few examples will need to have this fitted after entering service.

Clones announce F-40S programme

In a slightly surreal air amid the continued unrest on Cloneworld a HCSAF General announced details of the F-40S programme, which will eventually upgrade 1000 of the backbone F-40 fighter-bombers and keep them competitive for another 20 uears.

General Yuela said that the F-40S was a hybrid of the classic F-40 and technology from the next generation F-45. The F-40S would use avionics, radar, engines and other items from the later aircraft. The aircraft would also have vector thrust and some changes to the wing to improve agility. Although it will not be stealthy like the F-45 the F-40S will have some small changes that will reduce the radar signature.


Continued skirmishes across the Empire

The RP have strong forces on Randalf 74 and are thought to have tried to seize the capital. The 2nd RP Armoured Brigade advanced on Randalf City but was met by HCS forces and cut up. The RP fled to the town of Telira where they are now holding out.

Captain Clone has repeated his call for peace, he said that all RP soldiers who surrendered and publicly recanted their worship of Oojok would be allowed to live. The alternative was death. He also announced that all temples of Oojok would be closed and worship of Oojok was to be banned. The cult of Orach the space snake would become the state religion again as it was before the cult of Oojok rose to prominence. Its thought that a process of De-Oojokification has already begun with references to Oojok are erased.

As for Oojok himself the future looks bleak, representatives of Captain Clone met him at the Cloneworld embassy at Hexian City, Proxima 7 and they made it clear that there was no possible chance he would ever return to Cloneworld.


Cloneworld coup update

Captain Clone's gamble could be paying off, the HCS seems to have largely gone over to him. The RP (or whats left of it) is trying to fight back but is being shot on sight by the HCS. Captain Clone has called on all clones to unite behind him, he said the Clone Nation has a bright future in it's own hands.

Oojok has moved to the Cloneworld Embassy on Proxima 7. Its thought he is trying to get messages to the HCS on the other planets on the empire though the loyalists to Captain Clone are blocking him.

Benito Clone has addressed The Eye and said the war with the HCS was over. He said that he and Captain Clone will jointly rule the empire with the assistance of The Friar who will take charge of civil matters. The Friar is said to be on his way to Cloneworld.


Captain Clone launches coup! / Nuclear strike on Cloneworld

While Oojok was being received by LORD ROTARIOS at DDS GHQ previously unknown forces against his rule were acting. Captain Clone has launched a military coup, seizing power in his Emperor's absense. Captain Clone has the HCS with him and has moved to eradicate the Clergy. A Gale-II IRBM was launched to destroy the RP HQ in a nuclear strike! Air raids against other RP targets and the ODS have also occurred. The wherabouts of Ayatollah Akiwati are unknown, he is assumed dead in an air raid on his residence.

Captain Clone's biggest shock however was his announced alliance with Benito. He said that the rule of an alien (Oojok) and a false prophet over the Clones was over. It was time for the Clones to govern themselves, not be subject to alien power. He said that he would run the empire in a triumverate with Benito and The Friar. Oojok is currently at DDS GHQ, the DDS have offered him temporary sanctuary. More details as they emerge.


Oojok arrives at Proxima 7

Some years ago people thought the only time Oojok would ever step onto Proxima 7 would be if the DDS was defeated in it's long war with the HCS. However now we have a peace that has lasted a number of years. Oojok's personal ship has arrived in orbit. Tomorrow he will travel down to DDS GHQ and be received by LORD ROTARIOS.


Assorted DDS Fleet news

Two more ships will join the DDS fleet this week. Provider class transport 7911 Condor and Extender class oiler 7205 Skymaster will be officially named at the end of the week and should enter service the week after.

The Quasar ILU team has begun preparing the old Quasar/Isometric rig for the big update. The first ship will begin the update next january. Just before the feature freeze the team announced that a full Elint/ECM suite will be included with the update.

The Raegris have said they want to buy 8 frigates based on the Terran Sea Block 3. In a 6 billion zark deal the Raegris are keen to have these ships as soon as possible so it may be the DDS will delay production of DDS Terran Seas to build these for the Raegris. The Raegris are also interested in buying more surplus Quasars and also some long-range scouts. The DDS have offered new build ships based on the Rhombus design.

Windy claims to be father of Dino race

Windscorpion, at a media briefing, has claimed he is responsible for the Dino race! He said that he took Dinosaur eggs from Earth before the asteroid hit and then placed them on Sirius, where over the next 67 million years they evolved into the Dinos. He says this explains why Dinos share DNA with Terran reptiles and birds. A spokesdino for the Dinos said it was rubbish and Windscorpion probably had overdosed on amyl nitrate.


Windscorpion returns!

The Pulsar class ship that dissappeared down a temporal hole has reappeared near Terra. Windscorpion said their mission had been a success and the Rectoids plan to destroy humanity by preventing the extinction of the Dinosaurs had failed. A Rectoid Mushroom that was captured by the DDS was destroyed seconds after the temporal jump. Windy said that unfortunately the Rectoid temporal device was destroyed.

"I wanted to use it to visit my hero Oscar Wilde." he lamented.