
Unit in focus : SS-D

If the Dino SS have an acceptable face that even is respected by the army then it is the elite SS-D, the anti-terrorist force of the Empire. SS-D, which stands for SS-Defence, was created early in Ronald's reign as the Omega Force, a specialist anti-terrorist force. Over time it was incorporated into the SS and renamed SS-D. However the pre-SS roots of the force remain and many in the SS do not consider them part of their apparatus of brutal oppression. Thats why SS-D are popular in Army bars unlike normal SS men who probably would just get a good kicking.

The SS-D is currently 500 strong and consists of highly trained soldiers invited to join after their skills have caught the eye. The regiment is split into 50 man units, one of which is always stationed within 5 minutes of the Emperor to backup the ESBG.

Motto : Your ass is ours

UV95 : Vile Thrills

UV95 Vile Thrills is the first DDS book of 2006 and includes a few pointers to how the storyline will develop this year. In My Love the Zones hijack a spaceliner and the DDS are called in to hand the Zones their ass. This year we will follow a bunch of new recruits as they attempt to become soldiers in the Dino Army (a sort of DDS universe / reality TV marriage), in Fresh Meat we are introduced to the new recruits.

In I Like Dreaming we see Megara as he travels to Austini 55 for his latest mission and he discovers strange transmissions between HCS GHQ and Benito. Quarz's 101 is the centrepiece of the book, did he come to a sticky and painful end at the Xmas party or what did really happen? Finally in The Bitch the Dinos discover Rectoid temporal experiments and the DDS set out to see whats going on.

UV95 is available from all prisons (in return for snout) and brothels across Proxima 5. The next book UV96 Sex & Ultraviolence is due at the end of february!


CM360 revealed as orbital defense system

Director Of Communications Vodaphone today held a media briefing at GHQ where he revealed the identity of the CM360 project that had been leaked on DDS financial data. He said that it was a new orbital defense system around Proxima 7 to defend GHQ, the main fleet fuelling and depot facilities in orbit and the massive ship building complex P1E.

Seven space stations will be built with varients of the Z cannon and TP missile launchers. These static defense points will allow the DDS to use ships currently assigned to defend Proxima 7 elsewhere. Currently the DDS have to keep at least 3 cruisers and 3 frigates in orbit operational at all times. Vodaphone also said that a smaller scale system for Solaris was also being considered. Construction of CM360 would begin in the summer.

Rectoids caught near to DDS space engaged in time experiments?

A Dino patrol has caught a Rectoid ship engaged in unidentified temporal experiments near to DDS space a lightyear from Oscar. The Dino ship detected large amounts of tachyon emissions and after scanning discovered a Rectoid ship which made a brief engagement before escaping. A DDS task force is to be despatched to the area to investigate under the command of Windscorpion.


Pulsars to be re-engined?

Proxima J-Star has admitted that is has been contracted by the DDS to work on employing hybrid technology in a new version of the Pulsar's engine. The admission follows media speculation. Proxima J-Star are a major DDS partner who have done much of the development work on the Neptune/Meson and future Pluto/Gluon families of engines for the DDS. Up until now they have not been known to have done much work on employing Gluon technology in existing engine design (so-called hybrid technology) however.

It is thought the Pulsar class will receive an upgrade beyond the planned MULE3 by the end of the decade. Jane's DDS Monitor has reported a project called Pulsar 1000 which includes a new engine to push cruise speed beyond 1000c though the DDS have declined to comment so far.


Unit in focus : Red Lizard

Red Lizard is the HCS' elite forces and, as such, has been at the forefront of HCS operations for decades. Red Lizard is a well-trained and mobile unit, which specialises in covert operations and sabotage. Before a HCS assault often Red Lizard will move in to degrade the enemy's ability to repulse the attack.

Red Lizard dates from the earliest days of the HCS, in fact it gets it's name from the Red Lizard Brigade of the old Imperial pre-HCS Clone Army. The Red Lizard Brigade was a picked band of the best soldiers in the kingdom. Red Lizard continues the tradition.

The strength of Red Lizard is secret but the DDS estimate around 1000 men in 10 Active Service Units (ASUs). Most ASUs are on Cloneworld but a couple are stationed on other planets, one is known to be on Randalf 74 and another on Austini 55 (current status unknown). Red Lizard are well equipped with helicopters and tend to use these for transport. All Red Lizard soldiers are trained paratroopers and also have to have mountaineering training too, though this tends to be used more for climbing buildings these days.


What is CM360?

A leaked page from the confidential DDS Financial Report has caused a frenzy among the media. Whilst most of the details were already known, such as the cost of the Panther class and so forth a new project, hitherto unknown, was spotted and its going to cost the DDS a cool 5 billion zarks in 2106, whatever it is.

The project is listed simply as CM360, it seems a project so secret that up to now there were no rumours about it going around. No leaks, not even a hint that there was such a project before now! So what is CM360? A new class of warship? A weapon system? The only thing for sure is that it is a space fleet project and is costing 5 billion. Some are speculating that it is a new cruiser flagship project or maybe as assault ship (the only real gap in the fleet). As of yet no one at the DDS is talking, not even the usually lucid Dr Forbidden.


Smellyson and Pheldira set the date

At a media briefing at the Palace the son of Emperor Ronald Smellyson announced the date of his wedding to Pheldira, the daughter of Senator G-B-H. The wedding has been set for March 15th. "I, Smellyson Iguana, Senator of the Dino Empire, will marry Pheldira Gola on March the 15th." He told reporters, "I have been given the blessing of the High Priest Of The State. "

When someone pointed out that the High Priest was his Dad Smellyson joked, "Yes I have some pull with the Gods."


HCS & Benito in secret talks?

The Dino News has reported that representatives of the HCS and Benito's rebellion The EYE have held secret talks on a planet in the Remedian Belt. Following the space battle between the two fleets last year there has not been much in the way of action as both sides have been hesitant to make a move. The HCS Liaison Officer in Dino-Town denied that such talks had taken place.

First Pentekonter, Terran Sea Block 2 enters service

At a joint ceremony the first Pentekonter patrol vessel 3501 Thucydides made it's long-awaited entry into service. The Pentekonter immediately began a 2 month spell on the Proxima-Solaris patrol run. Director Of Operations Action Painting said that the Pentekonter was designed for such second-tier shorter patrol circuits and using one instead of an Isometric or Terran Sea frigate on such a patrol circuit gave a running cost saving of over 46%!

The first Block 2 Terran Sea frigate 3209 Yellow Sea also was accepted into service. The Block 2 has a number of improvements over the first 8 Terran Sea ships. At the ceremony Action Painting also confirmed that 8 Isometric frigates will be rebuilt as long-range patrol ships next year. This will be instead of the now cancelled LRF class.

Unit in focus : The 6th Legion

The 6th Legion has for the entire regime of Ronald been the premier unit in the Dino Army and the Emperor's vanguard though some wonder now if the unit's days are numbered. The 6th is a special legion in that it's number cannot exceed 200 and currently is at nearly half that. Before the reign of Ronald began the 6th was a normal legion in the army, however when the SS Commander Telavason attempted a coup the 6th (then under the command of Jimmy) marched on SS HQ. During a bitter battle the 6th and the SS blasted each other to pieces. When Ronald slew the usurper and ended the coup the 6th had been reduced to a mere 192 uninjured soldiers.

After Ronald became Emperor he decided to keep the 6th at that manning level, and the 6th became his vanguard. Always accompanying him on missions and becoming full of specialists. All members of the ruling circle are officially members of the 6th. In recent years the legion has shrunk in size due to natural wasteage and combat losses. Nowadays there are more elite and specialist units in the Dino armed forces so some wonder if there is a need for the 6th legion anymore. Its unlikely the unit will dissappear as long as Ronald remains Emperor though, his bond with the 6th is very strong.

Motto : For Emperor & Country!


Life At The Blunt End : The Xmas Party

Knobhead here again. I must say i enjoyed the Xmas party, as its a chance to return to GHQ. When you are there its much easier to avoid Horsehead, and thus avoid death! At GHQ we have to attend a couple of conferences and team activities. But more importantly the Xmas Party!

This year it is said Windscorpion violently buggered Quarz at the xmas party, i haven't seen Quarz since! As for me i did try and get a secretary tipsy but Action Painting seems to excel at that and has a platoon of Hoods on hand to give any rivals a good kicking.

A few days ago we returned to Rathun's World. Rotarios has given us orders to prepare for an offensive against the Zones, and maybe even invade Zoneland if the piracy doesn't stop. Horsehead of course suggested nuking Zoneland into a lifeless atomic waste. As usual.


Von Kane promoted

Captain Kurt Von Kane has been rewarded for his recent sterling service in the DDS with a promotion to Commander, to go with his reassignment to command the SS Velocity, previously he had been in charge of an Isometric frigate. Action Painting hailed Von Kane as a "hero of professionalism" who "has done so much to deploy right-fit solutions to current DDS problems and has helped faciliate a raft of measures".

Von Kane will bring his assistants Otto and Dr Menglez over to his new ship and he will be charge of the 1st Fleet's Special Operations Detachment, which Von Kane has dubbed "der vulf pack!"


Unit in focus : The Oojok Death Squad

The Oojok Death Squad is Oojok's private army, which is why the HCS loathe them. They are recruited from criminals, thugs and people with nothing left to lose. They are under the direct control of Oojok and Sleeze and their loyalty is 100% to them. They are small in number, the DDS estimate the ODS number only 20-30 but they have all the best toys and equipment. Oojok uses them for both his personal bodyguard and for special operations in Oojok's interest. Megara was recruited to the ODS for a special mission to investigate and destroy the Rectoids.

It is thought that the ODS operate in small units known as Active Service Units. Loyalty to Oojok has be total and the punishment for not following this is immediate execution. They have the personal seal of Oojok, no doors are locked to them. Except the door to Oojok's personal comfort room in his private quarters.

Motto : We don't need no stinking motto


Lakes calls for Emperor election

Following the shooting of Emperor Jimmy Ronald postponed his retirement from the dual-crown to take up the newly combined Emperorship. SS Commander Lakes criticised this action in a speech to his political party VERITAS = TRUTH in Yavilanda. He said that Ronald taking the crown was undemocratic and against the new spirit of the state.

"He should stand for election if he wants to be Emperor, not assume the crown. That is nothing more than tyranny! What has he got to be afraid of?" Lakes told the crowd of 47 who was present.

Senator G-B-H told reporters later that Ronald's actions were out of necessity for swift action because of the attempted murder of Jimmy. "We did not know if this was the start of a number of attacks on the state, even a precursor to invasion by a foreign power. We needed to maintain the control at the top and Ronald stepped up to the plate."


Zone pirates seize spaceliner

Zone pirate activity in the region of space near Oscar has increased lately and has reached a new high with the hi-jacking of a spaceliner owned by TWA. The liner was enroute from Terra to Arit when it was attacked and boarded near New Jakarta. A DDS frigate was soon on hand and managed to defeat the pirates before they could act on their threat to execute their hostages unless they were paid billions in zarks by the UNP.

The DDS have promised to step up patrols in the area, meanwhile the UNP has advised spaceliners to avoid the region of space while the Zone threat exists.


Unit in focus : Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade

In a new series replacing the Character Of The Week series we look at some of the elite and (in)famous armed forces units in the DDS Universe.

The SS 2nd Armoured Brigade a.k.a. Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade is seldom out of the news. It is SS Commander Lakes' personal command and also is composed of murderers, thugs, scum and other undesirables. They were given a choice between a painful execution or being transferred to the Black Dragon Martyrs. But you know what the army is like, ask for one thing and get the other...

They cannot be described as an elite, though are fairly well-equipped with ex-HCS T-55Z MBTs and in theory are well-trained. Their expertise comes in enforcement and brutality. They excel at crushing civilian uprisings, their courage in the face of someone who can fight back is in question. The Black Dragon Martyrs Brigade is the fascist vanguard of the SS, a bestial unit for crushing Dino rights and dissent. They also smell.

Logo : Black Dragon
Motto : We Spit On Honour & Integrity