
Voth joins the DDS network

A full-duplex hyperlaser link has been set up connecting Voth to the DDS communications and data networks. The link was set up by DDS engineers and is phase 1 in the long road to bringing Voth fully into the DDS. The link is currently of limited bandwidth and will be restricted to purely military traffic but a full link will be set up at a later data allowing Voth to join the commercial network too (though when they see UNP TV they may change their minds).

The DDS have also announced a rather complicated deal where the Sirikwanese will pay 50% of the costs of some aircraft for Voth in return for the DDS producing a customised version of their new F-10S fighter equipped with TPM-A. 16 F-10SK for Sirikwan and 16 F-10SV for Voth will be delivered. Each will be customised and localised for the respective planets (the Voth atmosphere for example is denser than most DDS operating planets and so will require changes to flight software). Deliveries of the aircraft will begin next year. The previous plan to give Voth ex-DDS F-10A(S) has now been shelved after it was found the older F-10A would require hardware as well as software changes and the DDS have given some of the aircraft to Oscar anyway.