
Cruggson wins Consul election

As expected Senator Cruggson has won the run-off for the Consul election, being Lakes with 71% of the vote. Cruggson was congratulated by the incumbent and his party leader Ronald. Cruggson will now take over from Ronald at the start of the year. The other Consul MBH called the result a "disgrace" and that Cruggson would "herald the continuation of the safe soft decrepid old boys club that Ronald maintains like a fetish".

Consul-elect Cruggson said that the people had spoken and wanted professionalism not empty rhetoric. An MBH-Lakes government would, he said, "destroy Dino-Land. The streets would run free with low-lives, thieves, murderers, rapists and other scum. The land would be a land of despair, crime, self-abuse and woe. Truly the living would envy the dead if Lakes had won!" Lakes replied, "It wouldn't be anything at all like Wolverhampton".