
Dino Army news

To celebrate the victory of Senator Cruggson to the rank of Consul the Dino Army held a special parade in Dino-Town. They also took the opportunity to inform the media about some new developments involving the Dino Army. The army is usually very reticent about talking about what is going on so these rare occasions when they open up a little are treated as gold dust by the media and Dino blogging community.

The first news was the 28th Legion has reached operational status following a 6 month inspection and extended training/proving. The legion which consists of a panzer brigade, 3 infantry brigades, an artillery battalion and a transport regiment (considered the standard line-up now) took it's new colours from Consul Ronald (Cruggson will not officially take over until January). The legion will soon be deployed to Pulsin replacing one of the legions already there which will be returning to Dino-Land for rebuilding.

The latest attack aircraft the K-18M was displayed. This is thought to have a similar avionics and ECM fit to the K-18D which will be built for the DDS. This is the latest in a long line of the K-series attack aircraft. Production will begin next year.

The biggest surprise was a flyover by a TR-72 Mustang! This raised many eyebrows (or would have if Dinos had eyebrows) being the famous HCSAF reconnaissance/EW aircraft. The Dinos have announced they are purchasing 120 of the type. Mostly TR-72 reconnaissance but also some ER-72 EW/Elint aircraft and WR-72 weather reconnaissance. It is thought the aircraft will be delivered electronics free to the Dinos who will fit their own equipment. It will be known as the Y-1A in Dino service.

Finally the Dinos said they are now in talks with the HCS about how to proceed with the next version of the T-55Z to follow on from the ZDM. Likely to be called the T-55ZDX it will have a new engine designed by the Dinos as well as a whole new data internetworking system. ZDX could be ready for 2114.