
Dino shipbuilding plans for 2109

Consul MBH addressed the media today and outlined Dino shipbuilding plans for the new year. Dinomark PT production which has been proceeding at a rapid pace for the last few years will finally slow down and stop next year before resuming at a later stage with a new future version of the PT. A programme of upgrades for the existing PT fleet will begin including fitting worm drives to all PTs by 2111.

All 4 Dinomark RS will receive worm drives too by then though some may ask why considering the RS hardly ever leave orbit. The Dinos have said, though, they want to make greater use of their battlecruisers and use them more in a flagship role for expeditionary forces rather than the home defence role they have at present.

Dinomark XT production will continue at a reduced pace in 2109. However as the DDS, HCS and Sirikwanese all have XTs on order the factories will be very busy. The Dinos want to get mostly the latest underwater capable version the XT/118w next year. Work is also progressing on the next version, the XT/121 which will have worm drive but this will probably not arrive until 2112.

Finally production will begin of the new transport ship the Dinomark MX next year. This is a scaled up XT (about 4 times the size) and will supplement the Provider-EDA fleet.