
Team Redjec : World Losers

Commander Redjec Esquire and Lord Of The Manor here again, my first message on this blog was received very favourably which is no surprise as i am a WINNER and not a LOSER like Quarz, who i hate. In fact it was so successful that LPG, who i believe is a gay, has put Team Redjec in charge of this website! From now on we will be writing all of the articles and so you will see a resulting increase in quality and professionalism. Unless Trojan Warlord writes anything as then the website would probably die or be covered in beast porn or something.

If Quarz was a tank he would be a pink tank like this, without the chicks of course as that is for REAL MEN only like Commander Redjec Esq

Team Redjec - your assurance of quality

Team Redjec has been hitting the headlines recently, as the top new faction in the DDS. The South Erdington Chronicle and millions of other newspapers have reported on our deeds. About how many young men are flocking to Team Redjec because we offer the true Third Way between the self-abuse of Hoodism and the even worse of Windyism. I could, of course, call this Redjecism but i am a very modest man of course.

Because of Team Redjec's success which some people have put down to the inspired leadership of Commander Redjec Esq the Team has been given many important duties. TW has been made Assistant to the Assistant Toilet Attendant. The Onion apparently was asked to fix Firefly's laptop. This shows that Team Redjec is for WINNERS and that is why Quarz will never be allowed to join.

Quarz is a LOSER

Quarz is the world's biggest loser, a man (if you can call him that!) of zero talent and worth. Yet he has been given command of a ship. There is injustice in this galaxy that is for sure. It matters not as Quarz will soon be in his rightful place : at my feet. Then i shall give him to Dump for Xmas.

I am better than Quarz in every way. I am better qualified. I am better dedicated. I am better better. I hate him.

Crystal Ribbon, what kind of thing is this?

Delicate Flower, the loathsome pus stain on the anus of humanity, was found hanging in his vile paedo pad. The weight of so much self-loathing and self-hatred obviously too much for him. Lets face it, if Quarz is your ideal man then you must be the world's most insane individual. But now i have received reports DF's twin sister Crystal Ribbon is in the DDS!

I have seen pictures of the woman, if you can call her a woman. She is basically DF without a penis. The thought makes me shudder and i have to go and look at pictures of Mylie Cyrus instead to recover. Intelligence i have received from a trusted source tells me that CR also desires Quarz. Insanity runs in the family no doubt. How could anyone sane desire Quarz? He is the biggest wimp in history, a man so sad he wears Hello Kitty underwear. I hate him so much. One day i will destroy him. I shall tie him and this vile woman CR to the front of my tank and drive the pair past crowds of Team Redjec members who will jeer and spit upon the loathsome pair.

One day finally I shall win.

Real men who are a success like me get chicks like this, losers like Quarz get Crystal Ribbon