
DDS fail to breakthrough at Delta 9

Operation Red Vulture has been declared a failure after the DDS fleet failed to breakthrough ABBO lines and land fresh troops and supplies on Delta 9. Some supplies were landed on the planet though thanks to a brave infiltration by Falcon 47A ships though one ship was lost when it crashed on the planet (thought to be due to ground fire).

In the battle that raged near Delta 9 the DDS lost the Solaris 37C destroyer D162 Epsilon Eridani and the Terran Sea frigate F131 Caspian Sea. The Falcon that was lost was P138 Barn Owl. During the battle an ABBO raiding party also managed to get behind DDS lines and destroyed the Extender 73A oiler A143 Liftmaster. 23 Ferrets were also destroyed in the battle. At least 67 ABBO ships were destroyed in the battle.

Some special forces and ammunition was supplied to DDS forces on the planet but the amount landed was fairly puny compared to what is needed. The DDS amphibious fleet has returned to Liberation unused.