
Windy announces policy of decentralisation

Commander Windscorpion has announced that the DDS needs to decentralise it's facilities and resources to make it less vulnerable to attack. Presently the DDS has 2 major centres : GHQ on Proxima 7 and the Solaris ground and orbital complexes. Windy said that if an enemy destroyed these 2 centres then the DDS would be defeated.

Windy has announced a new policy of decentralisation though admitted it was a long term project that could take decades to bring to fruition. Windy said he had held meetings with Building Services to come up with a coherent policy and course of action. The DDS Communications School would be moving to new premises elsewhere on Proxima 7 next year he announced (which was needed anyway as the school occupies space to be used by the Gay Porn Archive). He also said DDS Research would move away from GHQ entirely by the end of the decade.