
OPV news roundup

The Pentekonter fleet of OPV has been cleared to cruise at 390c following computer simulations and software changes to allow the engine and frame to be rated at a higher speed. The software updates are being rolled out to the fleet this week. Its thought a speed of 420c is possible with some modifications to the main load-bearing frame and this may be carried out as the fleet receives maintenance.

Two more Rome class OPVs have joined the fleet, 3604 Pompey and 3605 Claudius will join the DDS-South Patrol Pool based at Rathun's World.

Finally the DDS have confirmed they are in talks with the Dinos about procuring 10 refurbished and modified Dinomark XTs for the OPV 09 class. The class will form the space-ground liaison force acting as the bridge between DDS space assets and ground forces.