
Von Kane bags a Molentic Tuul

The Utrek have fallen into a trap again as Von Kane's task force managed to destroy a Molentic Tuul earlier today. Von Kane's task force is currently operating in space near Algol conducting a survey of an asteroid field there (which may yield large precious metal deposits). Four Utrekian ships were spotted nearby so Von Kane laid a trap.

The task force's Pentekonter OPV was left behind to continue the survey while the other ships left and cloaked, using the force's Marconi class EW ship to lay false emissions to make the Utrek think they had entered hyperspace. The Utrek then went to attack the Pentekonter and were ambushed by Von Kane's force. One Molentic Tuul was destroyed and the other 3 ships fled, all receiving some damage. No DDS ships were damaged.