
Remedian warning : Utrek attack imminent

Remedian intelligence is warning that a major attack by the Utrekians is imminent, probably at Remedia Prime. The Remedians are reporting a number of fleet movements in the major Utrek staging area including as many as 6 Reptoli Tuuls. All in all the Remedians are reporting around 160 warships are assembling and are being prepared for battle.

Against them the DDS and Remedians have amassed a fleet of 51 ships including some of the best ships in the fleet such as the Quasar-ILU. DDS Fleet Commander The Orchid has stepped up the fleet to Readiness Level 1. There is hope the attack will not occur for a few more days to allow a shipment of TPMs to arrive from Solaris.

Remedian Military Leader Lord Argrox has told Remedia Prime to prepare for nuclear attack, it is feared that the Utrekians may try and launch nuclear missiles at the planet's cities. Major cities are being evacuated and military equipment on the ground dispersed as much as possible.