
Doombringer on the Utrek War

Ex-HCS bigwig Doombringer is currently on vacation on Starbot before he joins the DDS later in the year he wrote this article on the Utrek War for PlayDino.

The Utrekians have got bogged down in their war against the Allies but it is clear to see why : they didn't have a plan B. Plan A was a good one, a great one in fact. Use the Zones to distract and hurt the DDS and then launch a pincer attack to seize Remedia Prime. Destroy the DDS fleet in a showdown and then move on to seize Proxima 7. Game Over. A great plan that looked so good that the Utrekians thought it was guaranteed to succeed.

Unfortunately they did not consider the possibility of the Dinos getting involved so early. They probably expected the Dinos would help the DDS but not until the Remedians were lost and to sacrifice a fleet in order to destroy a Utrekian one was definitely not on the list of possible outcomes.

So the Utrekians were stalled and the DDS managed to get a powerful fleet to Remedia Prime before the Utrekians could seize it. Now the Utrekians seem to have been caught in the paralysis of indecision. If they throw their entire task force at the DDS and Remedian positions then its possible they will win but at a terrible cost of much of their task force. One analyst at the HCS has estimated the Utrekians could lose over 80 ships in such a battle. These are losses the Utrekians will find hard to take considering they have already lost over 130 ships.

So if an attack is off the cards the current strategy of waiting is not working. The DDS are happy for the Utrekians to hold off as the DDS and Dinos have a strategy called "bleeding the Utrekians", if you like a death of 1000 cuts. Small raids and actions to slowly but surely wear down the Utrekian forces.

The Loeuss front is key to this, its a large gaping wound in the Utrekian flank which is why the Dinos and DDS will keep the planet unusable by the Utrek.

The Utrekians are thought to be reviewing their strategy and have made some key changes of command. They really have 2 choices : attack or withdraw. The status quo is doing them no good, although some raids like the attack on the TPM factory have been successful the overall situation is wearing down the Utrekian fleet and their empire as a whole.

I personally feel the Utrekians will try some limited attack, maybe on another part of the front but if that doesn't produce any noticeable results then the Utrekians will look to get out of the mess they are in. Whether the allies will play ball is another question...

(c) Doombringer 2107