
Utrek launch nuclear attack on DDS GHQ!

The stakes have risen in the Utrek war after the Utrekians launched an audacious raid on the centre of the DDS and launched a nuclear missile at GHQ. The missile was shot down using an air-launched TPM fired by an F-10 piloted by a Captain Robert who was unfortunately killed in the nuclear blast.

Three Molentic Tuuls were used in the attack, one carrying the missile into LEO and the other 2 maintaining cover. Windscorpion transferred to his flag SS Carboniferous as soon as the attack was raised and the Isometric plus 2 others in orbit (3114 SS Miocene and 3155 SS Pliocene) destroyed the Utrekian attackers. SS Miocene received moderate damage and will be out of action for a few weeks.

The air-launched TPM has never before been used in anger and indeed has not been calibrated for use against a target as small as a missile and at such an altitude. If the TPM had not worked then GHQ would have had to try it's long-range laser cannons which are similarly non-calibrated for missiles. If the missile had hit it's large warhead (estimated at 5MT) would have totally destroyed GHQ. The explosion was close enough was cause damage to systems at GHQ because of the EMP and blast wave, 4 fatalities were reported. One transport aircraft crashed near GHQ with the loss of 3 crew. There were also incidents and reported casualties at nearby Hexian City.

Windy has ordered an urgent upgrade of GHQ's defences, a doubling of air patrols and more ships to protect Proxima 7 in orbit.