
Interview with the Windscorpion!

DDS hardcore icon Windscorpion kindly granted Latest Victory News an interview...

Latest Victory News : Windscorpion, what do you think of the latest fleet developments?

Windscorpion : Its ass.

LVN : Er, in what way?

WS : Too much shit like hospital ships and transports and not enought super battle cruisers.

LVN : Well i suppose the fleet needs to be balanced...

WS : No its gay! We should be building many more battlecruisers and D-X so i can conquer the galaxy and de-hetrosexualise it!

LVN : Er thats against DDS policy...

WS : I am a wanted man you know?

LVN : Wanted for what?

WS : Wanted for oppression.

LVN : Are you drunk sir?

WS : Hell yeah. Anyway time to go, i may come and see you later tonight... young man.