
The Friar details the Clone Triumvirate

There was sensation on Cloneworld today as The Friar entered the Clone Parliament building flanked by HCS and EYE bodyguards. The Friar went up to the speaker's podium and announced details of the new Clone Empire. He said that himself, Captain Clone and Benito Clone would rule the empire as a Triumvirate. Captain Clone and Benito Clone would rule the western and eastern halves of the empire while Cloneworld was neutral territory under the control of The Friar.

He said that his two fellow Triumvirs had ended the civil war and would sign the official peace treaty on Cloneworld at a later date. He said all three Triumvirs would be holding a summit to discuss how the new Empire would grow. The Friar also confirmed that the Church Of Oojok was banned and all temples and churches would be demolished. All followers who continued to worship Oojok would be punished, all clerics would have to publically denounce Oojok or be executed. It has been noted that scores of clerics have been seen hanging from lampposts across the empire.

The Friar said that Oojok and Sleeze had accepted exile on Dino Land and they and their families had been banished from the Clone Empire "for evermore".