
The return of Redjec

Captain Redjec here, commander of Team Redjec, which of course means I am very important. However I am a very modest man as you may have guessed. When Windscorpion wanted me to take the lead in the future direction of the DDS I at first did not want to hog the limelight and no doubt be at the centre of future development of the DDS. It was a hard decision but finally I came down hard on the side of anti-sloth! That is why I Redjec am commander of Team Redjec and why... just to take another DDS personality purely at random Quarz is not. I hate him by the way.

I am going to clear away the laziness and sloth, and the DDS is infested with it. Lets take a purely random example: Quarz. Whom I know vaguely, and hate, is a disgusting discharge of a man. If you can call him that! Man I mean. "Man" signifies masculinity, strength, purpose... does Quarz have any of those qualities? Well I hate to criticise him of course but NO! He is a nothing! A boil on the anus of humanity! And he lies with The Beast, a.k.a. Crystal Ribbon. I thought bestiality was illegal? Then why does he have sex with that thing? How grim his life his, how utterly inferior it is to mine!

I Redjec am living a selfless life of discipline, self-denial and quiet meditation. I have even given away my Iron Maiden CDs! Quarz keeps his foul music collection of course. Maybe he dances to ABBA with The Beast! Thats why i hate him. Well its one of the billions of reasons.