
HCS to deploy Nybble next year?

The Nybble UCV has completed it's latest superluminal test when it reached 250c between Cloneworld and Daggaddon. It was accompanied by a Kalahati Tuul though it is understood the Nybble used it's own guidance and control throughout the trip with a datalink maintained from Cloneworld.

The first unaccompanied test is planned for the next few days. Nybble will travel from Cloneworld to Sandworld, carry out a simulated reconnaissance scan of the planet, and then return to Cloneworld. The HCS are now hoping to have a "Phase 1" Nybble in limited service before the end of next year. This UCV will be unarmed and will be used for scouting missions only. A later version will follow in 2111 or 2112 which will have self-defence armament.

The speed of Nybble is unknown, analysis of the engine known to be used plus guesstimates of the mass by analysts think the UCV can reach 400c though Phase 1 is likely to have an improved engine to boost speed to 500c. More speed bumps are planned for the future too, the Nybble platform is said to be very strong and stress tested for speeds in excess of 900c.