
Wayne King-Meiouf : The Clone plan that leads nowhere

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The delivery of the first F-45K ... i mean K45K to the Clone Navy is another step in the Clone Defence Forces' grand plan begun early this decade. The plan basically starts with an admission of failure : the Clone Space Navy is not strong enough and a major enemy such as the Tarbotians (or even the DDS) could sweep them aside. The plan deals with what next for Cloneworld.

Without the cover of the Space Navy Cloneworld would be vulnerable to space bombardment, hence efforts to decentralise military command and control facilities, a new generation of underground bunkers, dispersal fields for air power and the reborn blue water navy. The grand plan of the Clones is to survive the bombardment and retain the ability to strike back against an invasion force.

Key to the strike back are SeaGale SLBMs, by the end of this decade the Clones will be able to field up to 50 in deep waters around Cloneworld's main landmass. These missiles will be able to strike any point on the landpass and make enemy bridgeheads disappear in a mushroom clouds. Secondary strike-back abilities will be facilitated by cruise missiles launched by submarine, warship or air-launched (K45K natch). Although the new cruise missile currently under development cannot reach the centre of the continent they will be able to strike many places on the planet, and reduce them to radioactive ash no doubt.

But where does this lead the Clones? Lets assume the Tarbotians sweep the Clone fleet aside, pound the planet and then land an army. If this army is nuked then the Tarbotians are not going to simply go away. They are likely to retaliate with nuclear weapons of their own, and/or blockade the planet no doubt after destroying as many crops as possible. Could this plan just result in a slow death for the Clones?

These are questions never asked, maybe no one wants to go there. Everyone lauds the fact the impressive SeaGale can nuke the middle of nowhere, but no one talks about what next. It could be the Clones just hope to hold out long enough for a miracle. Its not really a solid basis for a key military strategic plan in my opinion.