
Sea Urchin wants DDS to think big

The trend for warships has been for smaller ships using technological advancements to pack in more firepower and performance. Even a small ship like the Rome 46A now possesses far more war potential than a Pulsar 12A cruiser did in its earliest configuration. However Director of Technology Sea Urchin wants that to change and for the DDS to invest in a fleet of huge "city ships".

Sea Urchin has pointed out how the worm drive has made the area of space the DDS can reach much larger, however the DDS are now facing problems with supplying and supporting units so far out from the central core of DDS space. The solution he believes is to develop massive ships that have their own support eco-systems and massive storage facilities.

These ships would be able to fabricate spares, even mining and processing ores, have food production facilities, extensive maintenance and crew recovery facilities and also would be able to carry huge amounts of firepower. "Instead of ever lengthening supply lines from DDS City, with all the vulnerabilities that brings, we could send a city to the far frontier." Sea Urchin said, though he acknowledged that such ships would be very expensive. However he says the DDS could save in the long run in less need for logistical journeys and static forward bases.

"Some static facilities on UNP worlds are now obsolete, they were once on the 'frontier' but speed advances mean they are no longer necessary, unfortunately they are unable to move. A DDS city ship on the other hand could move to where it is needed, and gradually further out as DDS space expands."

DDS Commander Firefly is said to have found the idea interesting.