
Clone carriers to receive upgrade ready for new jets

The Clone Navy's 2 Cloneworld class carriers are to receive an upgrade over the next few months. Key to the upgrade will be preparing them for the new K45K fighter which will enter service onboard the carriers from next year (though flight tests will take up much of the first half of 2114). The steam catapults as well as deck handling equipment will be improved.

The carriers will also receive upgrades to their communication systems and the SA-N-6A self-defence system will be relocated, and receive computer upgrades.
  • The prototype Nano Fighting Vehicle, SS Alpha is currently being tested following an upgrade and modification. It and its sister ship SS Beta (currently in final building) will have their hyperspace velocity increased to 700c following refinements to the subspace field. The ships will also have provision for an optional third TPM-2 launcher pod increasing maximum load to 15.