
Wayne King-Meiouf : Interview with The Shiner

Professor Wayne King-Meiouf of the University of Proxima

The Shiner is a DDS legend, the Commander for 9 years (a lot longer than anyone else) and today the DDS Deputy Commander and Finance Officer. I met him after an exhibition at GHQ and he was kind enough to grant me the following interview:

King-Meiouf : The Shiner, since the reign of AP began a few months ago the DDS financial situation has been totally turned around, how have you managed to do it?

The Shiner : Wayne, the DDS' finances were on the verge of collapse after the war. Spending was up over 30% and the UNP, with a financial downturn across many planets at present, were unable to keep up with our financial demands. Indeed UNP funding has had to fall 7% this year. At the end of the war we therefore had to cut spending above and beyond the expected cuts after the end of hostilities. I tasked every single department in the DDS to reduce spending by 20% and this has helped us save billions.

KM : Indeed, I understand its been more successful than you could have hoped?

SH : Yes we were able to give back some money to some departments. One thing that has helped is that some large development programmes have reached maturity, for example the Panther programme. Otherwise it probably would have been very bleak.

KM : Is the reduction in UNP funding a worry, do you think it can be restored?

SH : Hopefully we can claw back some but in reality the UNP economy is in a bit of a mess and we have to be prepared for that. I've factored in zero-growth in UNP funding for the next 4 years into the DDS financial plan, although i think we will get more growth than that i think it is prudent to prepare for the worse and hope for the better. AP has tasked me with fostering a sustainable and disciplined financial path for the DDS.

KM : Non-UNP funding is now contributing 12% of total DDS income, is this an area you would like to further develop?

SH : Yes we need to, we have to be creative in the way we fight, the weapons we develop and the ways we get our money! DDS Exports have been a great success but we need to develop other avenues of revenue too. You can expect to see some of these in the coming months.

KM : Now the key question, is the development of the DDS being driven by money or is the money available driving the development of the DDS? Is the smaller army, for example, because of changing military policy or a result of the smaller budget?

SH : Its not a cop-out answer honestly but the answer is a bit of both. The development of the DDS is being driven primarily by strategic policy, taking the New DDS Army for example as you mentioned it. After the war it was felt that the original plans for a much larger army were in hindsight a mistake so a smaller force geared for raiding has been envisaged instead. However money is a factor in the policy, it has to be as we have to be pragmatic. I'm sure we would all love to have a fleet of 50 Panthers for example but its out of the question financially.

KM : Deputy Commander, thank you.