
House System up and running

The relaunched DDS House System is up and running again following a media event at DDS GHQ. Red House leader Sea Urchin was confident his house would be a regular winner. "With top notch professionals like Caratore and... yes top notch professionals in our house i am confident we have the tools to dominate the new house system."

In early activity Knobhead's Yellow House won 50 points for a successful minesweeping operation near Porquat 640 and Hibiscus' Green House won 25 points for a leveraging media strategy.
  • The HCSAF have secured funding to revitalise their AEW fleet. They currently have 42 E-1 Watchtower AEW aircraft backed by 24 EC-440 Sparktruck EW aircraft. Under the plans the Watchtowers will receive upgrades to their radars and datalinks. A further 8 Sparktrucks will also be built.