
UV170 : Out Of Control

  • Countdown To Doom - Trok drops a bombshell.
  • How Much Fight? - Is it all over for Gibson?
  • Left Alone - Windy joins a Starbotian patrol.
  • Dead Grass - Could a new scandal bring down the Dino Republic.
  • Wanted For Oppression - Crickson and co. are given a new mission.
  • Bog Roll Bandits - The lots going off!
  • Taking Off - Goodson's claims against Jimmy come under scrutiny.
Review by The Connected
UV170 yeah, taking its cue title wise from the recent riots, thats well connected. We start off yeah with 2 stories about Gibson and his favourite butt plug Trok yeah? The Trok storyline comes to a bit of a head yeah? Most of the rest of the book is taken up with an interesting delve into Dino conspiracy theories and politics including everyone's favourite ex-Big Brother housemate Crickson yeah? This book is the start of a more serial approach to longer storylines yeah? Instead of breaking up stories they are now going to run more or less continuously to an end which will help build momentum yeah? I like this more connected approach yeah, its totally bum.