
HCS View : The HCS' top 5 projects

General Garendin, former commander of the HCS 140th Infantry Brigade and current adviser to the HCS Future Strategy Committee

In this article i will be looking at the top 5 new weapon projects currently occupying the HCS. These are known as the "Golden 5" by the HCS internally and are 5 large multi-year (and multi-multi-billion zark!) projects that could help define the future of the HCS in the 2120s. I'll cover them in reverse order of money spent and allocated to date.

5) A-85QA Quiet Attack

The A-85 is the standard COIN aircraft of the HCSAF and the busiest combat aircraft we have. As such the HCS has worked hard over 4 generations to refine it as the perfect counter insurgency bomber. Following on from the current NT the HCSAF are working on the 5th generation which is expected to enter service at the end of this decade or slightly before (2118 has been mentioned).

The QA will be optimised for sonic stealth. It will be a fully electric aircraft powered by an electric motor fuelled by fuel cells. This plus a new propeller is expected to reduce noise emissions by over 85%, as you can imagine this would be a great asset in counter insurgency. The QA will also have extensive sensor fusion and communication facilities allowing it to extend itself by controlling unmanned assets.

4) 2120 Fire Support

The HCS Army is currently investing massively in the next generation of its artillery. This project is for a whole suite of weapons and systems not just the one. It includes new versions of the ATC-107 self-propelled gun, MLRS, new smart warheads, new communication and sensor fusion and integration with UAS.

The HCS has traditionally relied on sheer weight of firepower but the artillery like much of the army is now being downsized and becoming a smaller but more directed and potent arm. 2120 Fire Support will produce the biggest change in HCS artillery since the Clone Wars.

3) SeaGale and Walrus SSBN

A key component of the future role of the HCS Navy is to be able to strike back against an invader via cruise missiles launched by carrier airpower and by 2120 SeaGale SLBMs. These are navalised versions of the Gale-III ICBMs already in service with the HCS. They will be launched by a new class of nuclear powered submarine called the Walrus which is expected in service by around 2118 with full operational patrols with SeaGale a little while later.

An important part of Walrus (though financially part of #2) will be the deployment of CSM aboard these submarines.

2) Clone Space Missile

The HCS is leading the galaxy with this interstellar missile system. It became operational late last year though this is an interim model. CSM is launched by a modified Gale-III booster and then can strike targets on another planet! It is intended to be the cornerstone of future HCS defence, and a deterrent to aggression.

We are currently working on a definitive first generation of CSM for 2114 which will have multi-programmable targeting, improved space mode and enhanced air mode stealth. By 2120 we also aim to have a sea-launched version to supplement the existing CSM silos and a land-mobile version is also being planned.

1) F-45C/K

And of course the biggest project in the HCS is the F-45C/K, this next generation fighter will be the cornerstone of HCSAF and Naval air power from 2114 until the 2130s at least. Although officially a new version of the F-45A in reality this is a totally new aircraft which just happens to look like the existing plane! The C/K will have a totally new avionics suite, new engines, a mission adaptive wing, augmented reality canopy, seamless integration with unmanned assets and other advanced technologies.

So here are the top 5 HCS projects currently ongoing. There are other projects too of course like the next generation HCSN carriers and Future Tapir IFV which will in the next few years start to get increased funding but at the moment these 5 projects are getting the lion's share!