
Wayne King-Meiouf : Whatever happened to...

The DDS and Dinos have faced many enemies over the last few years, some have returned for more than one round (such as the Utrek) but others dropped off the radar after their defeat at the hands of our friends. So whatever happened to...

The Tarbot Federation

In an epic war in the late 2090s the Tarbotians came close to conquering the Central Powers and it required a combined effort by the DDS, Dinos, Remedians and Starbotians to defeat the mighty war machine of Dr Slow but it was really only the death of the maniacal Tarbotian leader which defeated the Tarbotians (though the cream of their fleet and most of their leadership had been lost).

In the years which followed the Tarbotians erupted into civil war as the power vacuum at the top drove several planetary governors to try and seize power. The return of Dr Slow from a parallel universe (it is thought due to a space-time incident) ended the war and the Tarbotians have rebuilt. Apart from a brief minor war a couple of years ago and the odd skirmish the Central Powers have not been bothered by the Tarbotians again. The civil war cost the Tarbotians a lot of territory and it is thought Dr Slow has been concentrating on other areas over the last few years. Recently there has been a definite increase in Tarbotian activity though...

The Green

These mysterious para-dimensional aliens caused the Dinos a lot of trouble in the early 2090s with their mind control. The Dino state came close to collapse because of the trouble caused by them. However the Green further evolved their mental powers but this final evolution was a step too far and they disappeared to a higher dimension never to be heard of again.

The Cabal

These renegrade Dinos attempted to take over the Dino state with a vicious cocktail of drugs, paedophilia and abstract art. At the height of their menace Ronald's youngest son Ronaldson was recruited into their evil organisation, fed plenty of drugs and bummed a lot. Former Emperor Juliawaki was found to the evil mastermind behind the Cabal but in a showdown his evil powers proved no match for Ronald's sword.

The shattered Cabal regrouped and tried to detonate nuclear weapons underground to cause earthquakes and shatter the Dino state. They were later defeated. It is thought a foreign power was by now controlling them (suspected to be the Bolitic). The Cabal have now been crushed utterly.

Argon faction of the 7 Sa Sao

The 7 Sa Sao are said to consist of 7 independent tribes or factions (it is unclear if their ethnic cousins the Rectoids (see below) are the 7th faction). The Argon are said to one of the most powerful of the 7 Sa Sao and tried to usurp DDS control over space near Starbot. Windy sent a task force in to deal with the Argon though the fight ended rather inconsequentially.

The Argon are currently not enemies of the DDS, nor friends, though recently Windy did speak to Argon commander Toko again. Another notable Argon leader is Kira who is a total nutter to be honest. At the moment it seems the Argon are not interested in continuing their conflict with the DDS.

The Rectoids

One of the DDS' greatest enemies were the Rectoids who caused the DDS and it's allies a lot of trouble in the mid-2100s including destroying the UNP colony New Britannia (don't bother looking for it on the star map, its gone). Windy led a fleet to defeat the powerful Rectoids but it was Megara who committed maybe the greatest mass crime in human history when he modified biogenic weapons to wipe out billions of Rectoids on their homeworld Recta. The Rectoid fleet responded with a mass suicide dive into their now dead homeworld. The Rectoid state collapsed.

Since then there have been brief skirmishes when Rectoid factions have attempted revenge but it is thought the Rectoids are now busy trying to rebuild their state. One day they may come for revenge but it is likely to be a long time in the future.

The Zones

A species related to the Clones, the Zones were the pirates of the galaxy. Operating out of their planet Zoneworld the Zones were the scourge of the spacelanes. Until they got too ambitious and became allies of the Utrek that is. Their task was to occupy the DDS while the Utrek crushed the Remedians. Unfortunately for the Zones promised help from the Utrek was not forthcoming and the DDS nuked their planet to oblivion.

What is left of the Zone race now lives as part of the Clone Star Empire (mainly on Colom) though there are a number of pirate groups still operating. Their menace is much reduced these days however.

Porquat 640

Plucky Porquat 640 attacked and invaded New Arit in the early 2100s and when the 3 Central Powers told them to resist they decided to stay and fight. Despite facing the DDS, Dinos and HCS Porquat 640 held their own for quite a while (mostly because of the weak state of the DDS and Dinos at the time following the Tarbotian war and the general lack of co-operation between the 3 Central Powers).

When the DDS started taking the Porquatians seriously (the HCS dropped out) then the Porquatians were crushed. Recently Porquat 640 has finally been able to rebuild it's fleet and has recently asked to become a DDS ally. Arit was left virtually destroyed after the war and became the Tier 1 DDS ally it is today.