
Borca to DDS allies : "Leave the DDS while you still can!"

Bolitic Emperor Borca has made an address, nothing too unusual there as Bolitic Barons love the sound of their own voice, but in this case his intended audience were the various allies of the DDS. He called on them to leave the DDS before it was too late.

"The Bolitic Confederacy and the ABBOs do not have an argument with the Raegris, Aritans, Remedians, Sirikwanese or other DDS and Dino allies. However they risk oblivion by remaining allied to powers whose star is falling. The DDS especially are using their weaker allies as cannon fodder to save their own precious hides!

"Take the attack on New Arit earlier. Where was the DDS then as the ABBOs were cutting through the vintage ships the DDS have unloaded on the Aritans? Where was the DDS when the ABBOs were pounding military installations on New Arit? Where were the DDS when the Raegris were fighting the Vosun whom we were assisting as allies. The Bolitic help their allies, the DDS and Dinos exploit theirs.

"Aritans, Raegris, Remedians : your blood is shed for the DDS! For hew-mons who will use your men's sacrifice for their own gain and then when you have nothing left to give they will move in and rape your lands and dishonour your women!

"So i call upon these allies or shall i say victims of the DDS. Leave them now! Let them fight their own fight! The Bolitic and ABBOs will no longer attack you if you leave the DDS and kick them off your lands. If you stay with them then you will be in the firing line and will be destroyed."