
DDS in talks with Porquat 640 about joining the war?

There are unconfirmed reports that the DDS are in discussion with Porquat 640 about them joining the war as a DDS ally. Porquat 640 is near to the Rim Worlds and it is known they have often been caught in the crossfire in ABBO wars in the past. If they could be added to the DDS' war effort then they would be a powerful ally with a decent fleet of powerful warships and an undeniable military pedigree.

This will not make the Aritans happy though, memories of the Porquatian conquest of New Arit are still fresh in their minds even if the old military regime which ran Porquat 640 in the past was destroyed by the DDS, Dinos and HCS in the short war that followed. Porquat 640 is already a customer of DDS ships (though have received none of them yet) but its not known what their price may be to join the fight.