
Ronald delivers broadside to "peace lovers"

Ronald has given a speech to the Dino Republic and was in full war-hawk mode as he blasted the "peace lovers" for preferring "the comfort of their sideboards" to the "soverignty of the Dino people". He delivered a blistering broadside at the Liberal Party whom he called a "nest of vipers and Quislings who seek to destroy all we hold dear in the Dino Republic!"

"What Dino-Land do we want? A land of quivering wimps where we tremble every time the Bolitic or Tarbotians fart? A land of sadness, self-loathing and despair? Or do we want a land of strength? A land of heroes? A land of glory? Woof! Woof!"

Ronald has an unlikely ally in the fightback against the Jimmy-led drift into appeasement. Senator MBH the Governor of Pulsin is also angry at how the Dino war effort is drifting.