
Vosun moving towards alliance with Utrek?

The shattered state of the Vosun-Voth Star Empire with nearly 90% of it's territory gone, it's economy collapsed, coffers looted by the Bolitic and fleet badly depleted (all in all the VVSE have had a pretty poor few months) might be pushing the Vosun to an alliance with the Devil a.k.a. the Utrek.

The VVSE and Utrek have hardly been friends over the years though the Utrek have tend to regard the VVSE with contempt and ignored the VVSE's protests when Utrek ships have routinely violated their space (and no doubt laughed when VVSE ships could not catch up to the interloping Utrek ships) however the Vosunites need help especially with their security and the Utrek can see in Vosun a highly strategic location for a base.

A Molentic Tuul was spotted leaving the far edge of Utrek space near the Raegris and heading towards Vosun last week. This may have been a routine patrol or reconnaissance but sources on Vosun indicate a Vosun government delegation left the planet to meet with an unspecified other delegation in deep space not long afterwards.