
Fleet news (06/11/07)

The DDS have been busy over the last few weeks with no fewer than 3 new ships joining the fleet. First however Pulsar cruiser C108 Europa has been the latest upgraded to MULE3. The rest of the fleet should be completed by the end of the year.

R106 Bowman is the latest Missileer completed. It has not joined the fleet immediately as the DDS want to use it to test a shipment of Ferret-G next generation UCVs recently delivered by the Dinos. Ferret-G is the second version of the Ferret and can operate in atmospheres. Bowman will be the mothership for an extended test of the current batch over the next month.

D107 Lynx is the latest Panther destroyer completed and has been assigned as the flagship of a deployment that will shortly depart for Voth to relieve the forces currently there.

A182 Doctor Alban is the second Nightingale class hospital ship. The DDS have not yet decided if they will build a third of the class. The ship will depart for Remedian space next week for a 7 week mobile clinic mission. It will be escorted by Remedian ships on it's Remedianatarian mission.

Two Coril shuttles have been withdrawn from service as the crumbling fleet nears the end of it's life. A553 Mary and A560 Michelle will be scrapped. Mary required refueling and it was not considered economic. Michelle was found to have cracks ib it's main load bearer. The first next generation Coril-DDS shuttle is now taking shape and should enter service in Q2 2109.