
HCSAF reveal some F-45C/K details

At a joint media briefing between the HCSAF and the HCSN's Aviation Section some details were given of the next generation fighter at the heart of the future plans of both air forces, the F-45C/K. This is the second generation of the F-45 and will add a considerable multi-role capability to a fighter that already is an excellent A2A platform though is only average at A2G.

F-45C and it's carrier operated brother the K will have ground mapping radar, IRST and much improved data linking capabilities as well as strengthened wings to carry up to 37% more ordinance than the A. A2A will also be improved with an entirely new AESA radar (the F-45A used an upgraded radar from the F-40) and enhanced agility and performance from new engines with 34% more thrust.

The first flight of the F-45C is due for next year with the F-45K in 2111. The C and K should begin reaching squadrons in 2114 and 2115 respectively.