
Dinos battle Bolitic raiders

Recently Dino ships near Pulsin have been attacked by Bolitic ships of the House of Helinek. It is thought Helinek was tasked with testing Dino responses to aggression. Well the response was Consul Ronald (below) leading a detachment of the 6th Legion (his old guard) and attacking the Bolitic force just over the border into Bolitic Confederacy space.


Two Bolitic ships were destroyed including the flagship of Baron Helinek who was killed. No Dino ships were lost though a few Dinos were injured, 2 seriously, when Bolitic suicide squads beams aboard the Dinomarks. The Bolitic Emperor Aliowaki condemned the incursion of the Dinos into their space. Consul MBH dismissed Ronald's actions as the "sad final fantasy of a burned out old man". Ronald's response unfortunately cannot be printed here.