
Analysis : The Evolution Of The Windy

Windscorpion was confirmed as DDS Commander following a meeting of the Central Council, as expected the vote was unanimous. To celebrate Windy revealed some details about his past and showed how his look has evolved over the years. Back when Windy was sweet sixteen and just another hot gay teen in Stoke (albeit one who had been in the gym a lot) Windy started his new look very simply, a simple helmet painted black with very rudimentary air filtration systems.

After Windy left Stoke to become a soldier of fortune on Proxima 7 Windy began to develop his helmet. The second version of the Windy helmet saw it reach the form now familiar to us though the filtration system remained simple and only really useful against smoke. The helmet did include a built in radio however, the start of the uber-tech that signifies the apogee of man. There was also a basic infrared mode.

Back in the mid-2080s Windy worked as a hired gun in the badlands of Proxima 7 and it was on one of his many missions Windy was badly injured in a chlorine gas attack. After Windy had recovered he knew he had to boost the air filtration systems of his helmet.

Thus came the third version of the Windy helmet, and the one he wore in his early years in the DDS. We see the birth of the characteristic "snout" as Windy fitted in several layers of air filtration affording protection against chemical and biological weapons. Windy was also developing his famous Adventure Backpack and his helmet included a targeting eye-up display though the weapons were fired from controls on Windy's arms.

Finally came the fourth Windy helmet which has remained now unchanged (externally) since the early 2090s. The snout has been enlarged to add radiological filtration as well as extra layers of chemical defence. The helmet also includes a built in megaphone for sending orders to troops as well as a comprehensive communications suite with eye-up display of videophone messages. The view Windy sees in his helmet is purely synthetic drawing on the actual view outside augmented with extra information and tactical updates. Gay porn is also available on demand.

Improved targeting systems have been added to thought activation of Windy's backpack weapons. Windy's helmet has developed from a simple black painted helmet to the uber-tech of today. Windy is always improving his technology too even if the exterior appearance has remained unchanged for some years. Windy is looking at adding virtual reality information from the DDS Virtual Universe computer system to give him an unrivalled tactical view.

So he can really bust some ass.