
Proximan politician says he will slash DDS budget

Harold Wincester, the leader of the New Proxima Party, could well be the next Proxima 7 leader. That could be bad news for the DDS as he says he will slash the money Proxima 7 pays to the DDS by 50%! As P7 is the biggest economy in the UNP and pays the most money to DDS funds this would be a serious problem for the DDS. He also said he would ban the DDS from storing biogenic weapons and work with the UNP to ban the weapon as well as halnium weapons from the DDS.

Lord Rotarios (who is the Lord of the Wheels Of Steel) said that Wincester was misguided. "The New DDS is their guarantee of security and safety. Without the DDS the Proximans would now be under the Tarbotian yoke, Dr Slow would be putting their brothers under the lash and their sisters under their cocks! If not the Tarbotians then maybe the Utrek, or the Rectoids would be reducing Proxima 7 to an irradiated wasteland.

"The DDS' methods are not pretty but they are essential. Intergalatic war is hard, our enemies are hard, so we must be harder. Work work work! We must work harder! We must work faster! Rest is obsolete!"