
Action Painting on Remedian integration

DOO Action Painting gave a short interview to Latest Victory News before he left GHQ for a brief tour of Solaris' new space academy facilities.

LVN : How much is the integration of the Remedian fleet costing the DDS?

AP : Not that much, integration costs were negligable. We had already agreed to pay for the Kalahati Tuul upgrades which are only costing 150 million. The new transports will be DDS owned just under Remedian command so their cost is included in the existing DDS budget. The Remedians will continue to pay their own operating costs.

LVN : What advantages will taking over the Remedian fleet give the DDS?

AP : The Remedians have had trouble in operating their fleet in a professional manner and of course as they guard the DDS' northern flank against the Utrek its been a cause for concern. Now as partners we can forge together in a new era of professionalism.

LVN : In time will the Remedians' ships be replaced by standard DDS types?

AP : In the long-term yes but there is a lot of life in their KTs and Kenora. Its not a question we need to consider for a long time yet, well into the next decade.