
DDS negotiate leasing of HCS ship as rebellion costs bite

The DDS is understood to have agreed terms with the HCS for a 24 month leasing of an Intruder class landing ship for 80 million zarks. The DDS say the ship, as yet unnamed, will help the DDS evaluate the need for their own class of landing or amphibious warfare ships. Sources close to the HCS say the money is needed desperately.

Although the Clone economy is still doing fairly well the HCS budget has been squeezed by the costs of the Benito rebellion. Several programmes have been delayed including the HCSAF's upgrade programme for 1000 of it's F-40 fighters into the F-40S standard. Confidence in the Clone economy has been dropping though, especially with outside investors.

The Dinos, who did purchase controlling stakes in the Clone energy company Clone 2, the arms manufacturer CGMC and the telecom Clone Fone when they pumped 31 billion into the Clone economy some years ago (which staved off financial meltdown) have just completed the sale back to private Clone investors of these stakes. Although only 22 billion was received from selling the shares the Dinos think its a good time to sell now. If Benito gets stronger then the Clone economy could collapse.