
First landing of Ground Shock staged

Two DDS brigades and a regiment of Remedian Defence Force troops have been landed by DDS amphibious forces on Bintang. Other DDS and Remedian forces played the part of the "enemy" opposing the landing to a site secured by Prowler special forces. This is the first operation of the Ground Shock 2113 exercise and will be followed next week by a larger landing elsewhere on the planet.

In further amphibious news the DDS could purchase HCS Tiamon landing support carriers. During the ABBO-Bolitic War the DDS ordered 2 of these ships which can enter high atmosphere and launch aircraft to support ground operations (the Triumph 66A) but the war ended before construction began and the DDS cancelled the order. Now the ships could be built instead in a couple of years time. A DDS Terrestrial Force team will visit Cloneworld later in the year and carry out a new evaluation of the type.
  • The HCS has said the iconic T-88 will finally leave service this year and has said that the final tanks will be withdrawn by September. Only 500 now remain in service and these will be withdrawn over the next few months as 2 brigades are disbanded and another one converts to T-55Zs. The tank was the backbone of the HCS during the Clone Wars with over 220,000 built. Hundreds have been preserved and around 7,000 will continue to serve with other nations such as the Aritans. It is likely sales of the T-88 will continue as the Clones have around 30,000 in storage in various state of repair.
  • The HCS Navy have begun testing of a next generation cruise missile, the XCM-976 which will be known as the SS-NS-4 if and when it enters service later in the decade. It has a much longer range than the current SS-NS-3 and would have a much greater role in attacking in-land targets. Unlike the SS-NS-3 there will not be an air launched version.