
El Diablo takes over the Dino Republic

El Diablo has been officially sworn in as the Dino Republic first solo Consul in a ceremony at the Senate. El Diablo's first actions was to appoint Zanus his successor as Minister of Defence (a role Zanus has done before). El Diablo also has bought his old friend Razorback into the Senate to take over as Minister of the DTA from GBH who is vacating the post for a year to go on Ronald's exploratory voyage. Razorback will remain a Legate but will have Senator status.

El Diablo said his 2 year term as Consul would see the Dinos consolidating the political and military gains over the last few years though he also added that the Dinos also needed to trim their expenditure. While the Dino economy is still going well the surplus that has funded massive military and strategic expansion has dwindled. Diablo said that the other members of the DTA has been given their kick start but now had come the time for them to stand up on their own two feet/claws.