
Clones to "de-target" CSM from DDS

One part of the DDS-CSE Treaty (as it is now known formally) has not been discussed until now and that is the issue of the Clone strategic nuclear weapons the Clone Space Missile (CSM). The Clones have CSM silos on Cloneworld and Randalf 74 though the latter is not yet operational. As part of the treaty all CSMs are to be "de-targeted" from the DDS.

However the range of the missiles and their location means that if they are not to target the DDS then there is little else they could potentially target apart from Clone Star Empire targets. A HCS source said that re-targeting could be done very quickly and they would remain the ultimate guarantee of Clone sovereignty. CSMs will not now be placed on Austini 55 as part of the treaty (which includes clauses for verification by DDS inspectors). The DDS will also not target the CSE with their LRM equivalent to CSM which is still in development.

Space launched attack missiles like MRM are not covered by the treaty.