
Stinkyson appointed SS Commander

Ronald's second oldest son Stinkyson has been appointed SS Commander replacing Lakes who stood down earlier in the week. However as Stinkyson is currently on a mission with Senator El Diablo and is not expected back at Dino-Land until next month Lakes has agreed to stay on in a caretaker role until then.

Stinkyson of course has been SS Commander before but stood down a few years ago because he felt the pressure of being in charge of a "hoard of deviant violent scum". Even someone with Stinkyson's rather dubious morals (it is said that he would go to bed with a kitchen sink if it wore a dress) could not take it for ever. However after a few years working in El Diablo's office Stinkyson feels he can take the SS again.

Though he said Commander was in name only. "You don't command the SS." he said in a TV interview a couple of years ago, "You just hold on for dear life and hope you are still in the saddle at the end."