
Provider has major refit and upgrade

The oldest Provider transport in the fleet (and hence oldest SUP based ship) is now 5 years old and A101 Provider will "celebrate" by receiving a major refit and upgrade. The Provider class currently numbers 18 (with 1 building) and the fleet is remarkably homogeneous despite the fact that 5 years has seen much technological advance. Although the fleet has received updates from time to time to some key systems like communications the last Provider build is largely the same as the first.

This will change however, the DDS have taken the opportunity to upgrade the platform with the export Provider-E and this technology will be used to upgrade ships when they receive their 5 yearly refit. The upgrade includes replacing the entire computer network with newer technology, remodeling the interiors to improve crew comfort, battle survivability and optimised human-machine interfaces to improve the efficiency of the ship. The Provider will also receive an improved self-defence pack with full datalinking, cannister TPM and improved self-defence laser cannons. The docking bay will also be enhanced to allow for a greater number and variety of ships to dock.

The DDS considered re-engining the refitted ships but decided not to for cost reasons (and also because the ship would not be able to travel much faster without extensive improvements to the load bearing structure anyway) but the Hitachi HS-740B engine has been recored and fitted with a new engine management system which results in 7% less fuel burn for the same thrust and increased reliability. Each Provider refit is expected to take 2 months.