
HCSN prepare for next generation carrier

With the first of four planned Cloneworld class carriers currently being fitted out (and the second due to launch this month) the HCS Navy have answered criticisms from some quarters that the Cloneworld class carrier design is too small at 23,000 tons. Critics point out that that the expected aircraft complement of the type will be just 12 fighters and could be less if the HCSN go for a fixed wing AEW aircraft instead of a helicopter based on.

The HCSN have answered that they need to walk before they can run. "The Cloneworld carriers will help us re-discover how to build big ships, operate them and operate carrier air power." Admiral Phoebus of the HCSN told reporters. "We are planning for a definitive class of carriers to follow at a later date, in the 2120s. These will be much larger, probably 70,000 tons. When they are in service the Cloneworld class ships will become support carriers." Phoebus also said that the last 2 Cloneworld class carriers might be cancelled if the HCSN decide to go early for the bigger design.