
Changes to DDS fleet procurement

The DDS have held a meeting of the Ruling Council (Windscorpion attending via a video-link) and some changes to fleet procurement have been agreed to free up some 7 billion zarks. 4.2 billion is needed to plug a gap in finances and the rest will pay for the new amphibious warfare assets plus the land forces to go with them.

The Dreadnought destroyer class has been cancelled and the next generation frigate, the Battle class has been reduced to 12 examples. As well as being hard to afford a DDS source said that UCV technology meant that such a big fleet was not needed. 2 extra Panther destroyers have been added to the order though giving a class of 12.

As well the Council agreed to have 2 more Pentekonters converted to minesweepers. Its not known if they will be replaced by any more Pentekonter-Es. These conversions will take place later this year and then will allow for 2 4-ship flotillas. In other fleet news Provider transport A117 Trader has joined the fleet.