
Fleet news (23/01/08)

The second Panther D102 Jaguar has entered test, it has a number of detail changes from the first ship, it is expected to complete tests in March. After that full serial production of the Panther will begin with the next 2 examples being of the Rev A varient. The first 2 ships will be retrofitted to this standard later this year.

As part of the DDS' cost-cutting and fleet realignment strategy the Battle class frigate has been cancelled as expected. This makes it the second time a "third generation Isometric" class has been cancelled. The DDS do not want the risk of a brand new type (not to mention the expense right now). Instead they are said to be looking at further developing the Terran Sea platform into a D evolution possibly to be known as the Sea Of Tranquility class.

4 more Rome corvettes have been ordered however and will be added to the order making a eventual fleet of 24. The DDS say the type has proven to be very successful and flexible.

The first Pangaea class LHD L111 Pangaea has entered test. It will carry out a full new type proving programme over the next month then carry out an extensive series of tests and exercises with amphibious warfare systems and forces. It is expected to enter service in Q2 2108.

Starsystem training frigate T101 Beta Centauri has suffered moderate damage after being hit by a meteorite. It was caused when the meteorite deflector shield failed during a training mission. No crew were hurt. The rest of the fleet are being examined to see if their deflector shields have any problems.

Finally it is understood 2 Coril shuttles have been modified for operation with DDS warships, in particular their docking mechanisms and control software has been modified to allow operation from the docking bay of an Isometric sized frigate. One is understood to be with Windscorpion's ship SS Carboniferous.