
Interview : Trojan Warlord

Trojan Warlord, the DDS Cultural Officer, recently gave Latest Victory News this short interview...

Latest Victory News : Trojan Warlord, what does the DDS Cultural Officer actually do?

Trojan Warlord : I enhance the cultural awareness of the DDS and facilitate greater cultural empowerment.

LVN : Yes but what does that actually mean?

TW : I run a series of events and also i co-ordinate the House System.

LVN : What kind of events?

TW : Such as the DDS pantomime! That was a great success!

LVN : But that only lasted 3 minutes because Rotarios killed the lead actor...

TW : Lord Rotarios enjoyed it and that is what matters! It keeps me alive...

LVN : What else have you in the pipeline?

TW : Many projects! Lots of irons in the ..er.. fire so to speak.

LVN : Such as?

TW : Well i can't really talk about it right now...

LVN : So nothing then?

TW : Yes.