
Dino Elders discuss changes to the government

The special Dino Elders group set up by Ronald to discuss changes to the Dino government has had it's first meeting at Dino-Town. Emperors Ronald and Jimmy both gave speeches to the 30 Dino strong group in which they outlined their different visions for the future of the state. Ronald is in favour of an expanded senate and a single Emperor with greater democracy at all levels whilst Jimmy favours keeping the very top the same but introducing democracy at lower levels.

The Elders seemed more in favour of Ronald's idea and several of them gave speeches supporting a wider senate. Elder Omaeun said, "We need to bring in new blood to the top of the government for the future." The next meeting will be held later in the month. The group decided to recall the entire Elders to report to them and for a vote to be held on what course of action to take before the end of the year.